Thursday, October 31, 2019

Hacking Attacks on Websites and Mobile Commerce (M-commerce) Crime Essay

Hacking Attacks on Websites and Mobile Commerce (M-commerce) Crime - Essay Example Malwares can be used to get onto FTPs or web servers, which is to attain useful information like credentials. This information attained by hackers is then further used for accessing the website personal information which only belongs to a company’s profile or business. Vulnerability of servers has invited hackers to access website’s secret information. This has also become a major threat for website owners today who provide enough space for hackers to get in (Rodriguez and Martinez). Likewise cybercrimes, crimes on M-commerce are also on the parallel side of distinction. Due to much dependence of retailers and consumers on M-commerce, big ratios of crimes on M-commerce have come to the sight. Malware provides easy access to mobile hackers especially in phones which carry computer or web applications. Smart phones or I phones are common in such threat as they carry a high vulnerability for malwares to persist. According to McAfee Inc malwares are approachable to smart phones which are common in use of unit sales trade by the retailers (Woodward). Rodriguez, Chris and Richard Martinez. "The Growing Hacking Threat to Websites: An Ongoing Commitment to Web Application Security." 2012. 4 October 2012

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

1880 Halloween Riot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

1880 Halloween Riot - Essay Example The violence swelled with two or three thousand Colorado residents begun throwing bricks and breaking into Chinese owned establishments. The police was not able to stop the mounting riot due to its sheer number and they were tremendously outnumbered until finally, Chinese homes and business were destroyed by the angry mob despite the Mayor’s call for the mob to disperse. The riot culminated when they broke into Sing Lee’s laundry business where he was dragged down the street and was attempted to be hung on a lamp post. He eventually was beaten to death. Other Chinese nationals would have suffered the same fate but some residents were able to stop them. Police also kept the Chinese locked in their county jails to protect them from angry mob. When the mob was finally over, Chinese businesses and homes were destroyed and the people who were jailed for the killing of Sing Lee were acquitted for lack of evidence. Despite this, Chinese nationals remain in Colorado and rebuild their business and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Approaches To Teaching Listening

Approaches To Teaching Listening Through the time there has been a shift in language perspective. Listening as a skill takes priority over details of language content. Along this shift different approaches were chosen to teach listening. In late 1960s and in the early 1970s comprehension approach was used. It was a teacher centered approach in which no attention was given to mistakes or what may cause these mistakes. Teachers focused upon the outcome of listening rather than upon listening itself, upon product rather than process. Learners kept experiencing the same difficulties in same listening exercises as they were not taught how to deal with them. Comprehension approach provided practice in listening but failed to practice it. To make listening more effective it is necessary to judge understanding not only by the number of learners who answered the questions correctly but also to follow up responses in order to understand where understanding broke down and to put things right. This happens if the listening less ons are seen as diagnostic activity. Diagnostic approach requires teachers to identify and redress learners weaknesses as listeners. According to Brown: Until we have some diagnostic procedures the teacher can only continue to test comprehension not to teach it. We need to move to a position where the teacher is able to recognize particular patterns of behavior manifested y an unsuccessful listener and to provide exercises for the students which will promote superior patterns of behavior. More listening does not necessarily mean better listening. Breaking listening into sub skills and planning series of short listening exercises can ensure better listening as it supports diagnostic approach, making it easy to identify the failure. More recently as listening takes the priority it should be seen as form of expertise. This requires intensive practice to become more automatic and exposure to real life experiences where taught practice have to be used appropriately and under the pressur e of time. Process in understanding spoken discourse There are two kinds of processes involved in understanding the spoken discourse. These are generally referred to as Top down and Bottom up approaches. Bottom up refers to using the incoming input as the basis for understanding the message. Top down method on the other hand, uses background knowledge in understanding the meaning of the message. There have been several arguments about the use of these two methods. According to Vandergrift bottom up help learners to develop word recognition skills, whereas top down method help learners to develop real life listening skills. But alone its not adequate for developing word recognition skills. Tyler (2001) suggested that Bottom up method can be used for long term language retention but top down method can be used for quick acquisition by learners such as travelers, as it provides insufficient basis for communication. As a result it can be seen as a matter of the aim of the listening. At the same time its been clearly stated that effective l istening occurs when Top down(meaning to language) and Bottom up (language to meaning) approaches occur together. Appropriate Tasks for effective listening The nature of comprehension is one of the main concerns to think before choosing the listening task Hundred percent correct and objective answers should not be expected form learners during the listening activity as what they understand recall or pay attention to are depend on the factors like their interest background and purpose in listening. ( Sheerin) Complete recall of all the information in an aural text is an unrealistic expectation to which even native speakers are not usually held. Listening exercises should be success-oriented and help students to build up confidence in their listening ability. The aim of the teachers should be making listening in second language (L2) as easy as listening in first language (L1). It is possible to make listening activities more effective by choosing appropriate tasks. Appropriate listening tasks must provide learners with necessary background knowledge and also cultural context when its needed, to make learners memory load less. Listening wi th more language knowledge make learners have more room in work memory to retain all information and make necessary revisions or inferences as they listen(Vandergrift). Listening task become more effective as listeners become more familiar with what they are listening. Tyler (2001) also supported this view by stating: Topic familiar-texts may inhibit the development of bottom up skills. Moreover listening tasks must have a purpose. As different listening tasks require different kinds of listening behaviors, learners need to know the purpose of the listening task to be able to choose the appropriate listening behavior. Shorter is easier to process principle rather than longer texts must be adapted as L2 listeners who can remember what they have heard perform more effectively (Brown). Effective listening materials consists of three parts; Pre listening, While Listening and Post listening and contain activities that link bottom up and top down listening (Field 98). Each part has specif ic aim therefore in an effective listening task; these three parts must be identical. Pre listening stage is used to activate knowledge, make predictions and reviewing key vocabulary. This stage must be used to simulate the appropriate background knowledge and to help learners to identify the purpose of the listening activity. While listening activities focuses on comprehension through exercises whereas Post listening generally involves response to comprehension. They all must be treated equally. All above these one of the main concerns about the listening task is authenticity; whether to provide L2 learners with the real life like listening materials or not. While some researchers support the use of authentic listening materials, others argue. Field suggested the use of authentic materials as they offer examples of hesitation, false start and pause, which characterizes the natural speech. Ur also emphasizes the importance of having listening instruction resemble real-life listening which makes the listener to built a sense of purpose and expectation for listening. These views match with the recent listening materials as its obvious that recent materials are trying to adapt more authentic tasks than before. In spite of these still there are some opponent views of the usage of authentic materials. Namely, Karen suggested that the authenticity might be a goal but not a starting point for learners. And Rosts view supported Karens as he stated that authentic materials are difficult both for learners and teachers and planning is necessary to be able to use them. Teachers must ensure that learners adopt their inference strategies they use in L1 to L2 listening. Using authentic materials are popular and believe to be effective however there is no proof that they are inherently superior to pedagogic recordings. The important thing is to use the one which is effective for learners to get better. Along authenticity discussions, simplicity is yet another concern for rese archers and teachers. Learners, when they are children, initially receive simplified input in learning their first language. There are some advantages of simplified language for L2 learners such as providing greater ease of comprehension for L2 learners and greater initial self competence in protected classroom environment. However it can cause learners to create unrealistic expectations that all L2 should be simple and easy to understand and it may cause to lose self esteem outside the classroom environment when learners cannot understand unsimplified speech. Hence activities must use authentic language without significantly slower or simpler speech than would normally be used in real life. Consequently it can be said that meaningful, interesting listening tasks using ordinary ,unsimplified, second language speech are effective. Importance of support in teaching environment. Importance of support in teaching L2 listening cannot be underestimated. Along appropriate tasks teachers still need to provide support during listening (Sheerin). This support can be in the form of a visual, transcript and/or positive feedback. In real life generally listeners have the opportunity to see the speaker. This supplies cultural information and so enable learners to predict more accurately. Visual aids such as maps, diagrams, pictures, or the images in a video help contextualize the listening input and provide clues to meaning. Moreover visuals reinforce the aural message and focus learners attention on the most important information. They are useful way of setting context which makes the activity more meaningful (Turner). Despite of the arguments about the necessity of them, transcripts are still thought to be other important support for learners. As use of the written record of the tasks are discussed, Sheerin supported the idea of transcript use by saying full and accu rately written transcript is important source of support for learners. It makes learners aware of the fact that they dont have to focus on every single word they hear. When examined Sherrins words carefully it can be clearly seen that use of transcripts not only help learners to improve themselves but also affect learners psychologically. Learners improve their listening if they have opportunity to see the whole text they heard. This enables them to see the use of the words. Moreover they feel that they dont need to afraid of missing some of the words as they listen. Transcript use is a beneficial learning activity which must be provided as a supplementary activity at the end of the listening, after students made some effort. Furthermore easiest and widely use form of support is positive feedback. Positive feedback is very important in listening as it is a demonstrative skill and repeated failure can cause panic and psychological barrier to effective listening. Therefore it must be ensured that positive feedback is provided during the learning process as a mean of support. Strategies and Strategy training Strategies and strategy training are most demanding and discussed issues about teaching effective listening. First of all the definition of the strategy and the distinction between the strategy and sub skill must be understood. Sub skills are competencies which native listeners posses and which non-native listeners need to acquire. Strategies, by contrast, are strictly compensatory. They are already available in L1. The goal in effective listening is to ensure that they are transferred into L2. Moreover strategies defined by Rost as; Some aspects of listening are under conscious control of listener while others are automatic and not under direct control. The conscious aspects of any goal oriented behavior are viewed in psychology as strategies. (Rost) Listening strategies can be thought of the way learners approach and manage the task. The effect of different types of listening strategy was investigated by Rubin (1988) with high school learners of Spanish. The performance of three ex perimental groups was compared with that of two control groups in the comprehension of video. Although not all the hypotheses were confirmed, results demonstrated that the use of some listening strategies can help students work with more difficult material (Vandergrift).Buck suggested two types of listening strategies; cognitive and metacognitive. Cognitive strategies are mental activities related to comprehending and storing input in working memory or long-term memory for later retrieval and metacognitive strategies are those conscious or unconscious mental activities that perform an executive function in the management of cognitive strategies. A lot of different researches have been done to find successful strategies. (Buck). As a result of these researches five commonly used successful strategies are defined as; Prediction, Making inferences, Attempting to clarify areas of confusion, Monitoring ones own listening process and Responding to what one has understood( Vandergrift 96,9 8,99). Despite of the fact that there are different strategies available for L2 learners, they often do not approach the listening tasks in the most effective way despite what they may do in their L1 ( Mendelsohn). Therefore it is necessary to help learners to find the correct strategy. With this view, some researchers suggested strategy training. According to Mendelsohn strategies can and must be taught as training students about how to listen leads to improvement in their listening ability. Training effective listening requires identifying ones goals in listening situation and act appropriate skills and strategies for ones listening goals. ( Rost) As learner centered models of L2 instructions became the focus of attention, teachers became the trainers of listening strategies rather than simple providers of comprehensible input.. Learners are made aware of the possible strategies through the use of strategy training and this leads to teaching and learning effective listening.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Comparing Sir Walter Raleighs The Nymphs Reply to the Shepherd to Chr

Comparing Sir Walter Raleigh's "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" to Christopher Marlowe's "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love"Â   Sir Walter Raleigh wrote "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd" in 1600 to respond to Christopher Marlowe's "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" written in 1599. In " The Passionate Shepherd to His Love", the Shepherd used double-entendres and hidden sexual images in an attempt to trick the Nymph into performing sexual intercourse with him. The Shepherd attempted to convince the Nymph that he would bestow her the various presents and pleasures that he described, but in reality his gifts only comprised of sexual meanings. However, the Nymph was exceedingly intelligent and conscious of the Shepherd's hidden seductions. She was so smart, that she hastily rejected the Shepherd's proposal by using the exact words that the Shepherd used in his request. The Shepherd in Marlowe's poem used disguised sexual images in hope that the Nymph would be attracted to him. The Shepherd first offered the Nymph "...valleys, groves, hills, and fields, / woods, or steepy mountain yields" ( ). He hopes that the Nymph would interpret the images as places he would like to take her, but in actuality the Shepherd was describing to the Nymph the various parts and curves of her body which he would like to explore. The Nymph replies to his offer by stating "The flowers do fade, and wanton fields, / to wayward winter reckoning yields " ( ). Which means that things change and though the Shepherd has a sexually unrestrained body, that through time he will become headstrong and unwilling to continue the sexual pleasures. As the poem continues, the Shepherd offers the Nymph "a belt of straw and ivy buds" ( ). The belt and ... ... have moved you, then come live with me so that we may continue making these "pleasures". The Nymph replied with "If truth in every shepherd's tongue/ these pretty pleasures might me move" (2-3). She would be moved by what the Shepherd said if he wanted more from her than just a sexual relationship. Through reading the works by Marlowe and Raleigh it's determined that the shepherd had only sexual feelings for the Nymph. The poems showed no acts of love, only sexual desires that the Shepherd was feeling and a strong sense of rejection from the Nymph. The Nymph did an extraordinary job of standing up for herself. The Shepherd failed in his plan to trick the Nymph and ended up looking like a jackass. Works Cited: Marlowe, Christopher. "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love." From The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Sixth ed. New York: Norton, 1993.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Promoting Health Internationally Essay

Developing countries are beset with health crises to a greater extent than their more developed counterparts. The lack of resources and the presence of numerous demanding needs causes the insufficient allocation of such resources for the addressing of health issues. In other countries, there is simply no technology to produce the necessary cures for the bigger diseases besetting their populations. Whereas in more developed countries with greater storehouse of resources there is a greater capacity to address health problems, particularly with a more developed technological platform to work from. Not only this, but developing countries have a marked decline in addressing sanitation concerns thus making for environments more prone to diseases caused by bacteria, worms, and viruses.1 With more hygienic living conditions, this is not the observed case in developing countries. Thus, a combination of non-hygienic conditions and low access to healthcare creates atmospheres for developing nations making them more prone to experiencing severe health problems. The first concern regarding health problems in developing countries is the possibility of a disease to develop which is easily transmittable from person to person. The fear of infectious diseases, particularly the fear of such diseases causing a pandemic, has had significant impact on the manner in which the global community addresses global health problems. International agencies have come up with surveillance systems to enable member countries to report incidents of infectious diseases and to better equip non-affected nations against contamination.2 The mechanism of report requires member nations to define the nature and extent of infection of the disease. This is not particularly attractive to infected nations as the reporting of diseases would adversely affect the economy of the said country. With a fear of infection, foreign investors would lower their rates of importation. This would serve to lower the economic growth of the said country. Not only this, but tourists would be fearful of visiting said foreign country and income from such investments would also decline. The stigma against the affected country would translate to a decline in the status of their economy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is in this regard that health issues of individual nations affect the global view on health. The slightest change in the ability of individual countries to provide basic resources or to contribute to the global economy would affect all other countries as a result of global interconnectedness. 3 The dependence of nations, one to the other, cannot sustain the devolution of production of goods in any one nation. Apart from moral responsibilities, this is the weightiest argument to a global perspective on health promotion. The global market favors the ensuring of wealthier nations that less affluent nations will be able to participate fully in the global trade of goods.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is not considered in this model are non-infectious diseases plaguing the developing countries around the globe. There is little incentive for global agencies to address such problems since there is no showing that the same would affect citizens of foreign nations. Although the argument for providing aid for the same due to global trade considerations still stands, there is little to no initiative from private drug companies. The primary aim of such companies being profit, they are not drawn by the clamor for lower prices required in developing countries. Thus, the trend remains for drug companies to produce drugs and cures that will answer the needs of developed countries whom they can charge higher prices for the products and services they offer. Diseases plaguing impoverished nations such as malaria, AIDS, tuberculosis and the like are given little attention although they may present greater threats than hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. This is an unfortunate as developed nations should take it upon themselves to promote health in developing nations as well. The international community would benefit to a greater extent with the improvement of all component nations. The nations in the international community should not only consider giving aid to developing nations when the diseases may spread into their own localities but even so when the diseases may be contained domestically. The interest then should not be for global regulation of domestic plagues but it should be for international interest in holistic global health.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although drug companies refuse to focus on answering the needs of the major diseases in impoverished nations this is not to say that no organized action is being undertaken for the same. Certainly there are individuals and groups who recognize the importance of promoting health on a global scale. The World Health Organization, for example has collaborated with large pharmaceutical companies in order to bring drugs for the cure of prevalent diseases into levels of access for developing nations.4 The proposed plan is to decrease drug prices for developing nations, if the free delivery of the same is not probable, by increasing prices in affluent countries. Such a scheme would permit the subsidization of drugs by developed countries. There would thus be an equitable division of required resources in order to gain access of available cures in the market. There has also been an observed trend in scientific laboratories. Scientists capable of performing research investigating cures for diseases of poverty have shown greater inclination for the same. Funding may be an issue in the matter however, more and more charities are focusing on the aim of global health and even domestic governments are supporting the bid for finding cures for large health issues. Not only this, but movements have been made to have pharmaceutical companies share the process of production if the matter of marketing drugs at a no-profit price is not possible. Local governments or corporations could then work on producing their own drugs using the process and information shared by foreign corporations. These matters are currently being pushed by advocates worldwide. However, the international community still has much ground to cover. The problem of international health is still a major issue receiving small priority in the global scale. The problem of politicking and bureaucracy hinders advances that could be made in this field. Thus, in order to more aptly answer the problem, local policies should first be reshaped and made to realize the importance of health in the governmental platform. Furthermore, local governments should not limit themselves to addressing only their own separate needs. Garrett aptly captures the issue: Tactically, all aspects of prevention and treatment should be part of an integrated effort, drawing from countries’ finite pools of health talent to tackle all monsters at once, rather than dueling separately with individual dragons. 5 Given limited resources, in the international sense as well as in the domestic, the pooling of these same resources is the best solution to the problem of both global and local health. The vision of individual nations should be enhanced to not only address their own problems but they should start to realize the relevance in investing in a global perspective in answering health issues. Certainly, with a view of the same, advances will be made not only for short term goals of fending off singular diseases in certain nations but more so the long term goal of eradicating debilitating diseases that could potentially reappear in similar conditions or in evolved forms. The answer then is to prepare internationally for the problem of global health as the strengthening of individual platforms in individual nations will address the root issue of recurring conditions. This will serve not only to strengthen the global health system but even other sectors of concern such as trade and global relations as more and more countries invest in programs reflecting amity and gratuity. BIBILIOGRAPHY Check, Erika,â€Å"Quest for the Cure,† Foreign Policy, (2006): 28-36. Garrett, Laurie, â€Å"The Challenge of Global Health,† Foreign Affairs 86(1), (2007): 14-38. Naim, Moises and Brundtland, Gro Harlem, â€Å"The FP Interview: The Global War for Public Health,† Foreign Policy 128, (2002): 24-36. Osterholm, Michael T., â€Å"Unprepared for a Pandemic,† Foreign Affairs 86(2), (2007): 47-57. Zacher, Mark W., â€Å"Global Epidemiological Surveillance,† in Inge Kaw, Isabelle Grunberg, and Marc A. Stern, â€Å"Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century (eds.),† (1999), NY: UNAP.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Students With Learning Disabilities In The Classroom Education Essay

Baum, S. Owen, S. , Oreck, B. ( 1997 ) . Transfering Individual Self-Regulation Procedures from Humanistic disciplines to Academics. Arts Education Policy Review 98.4: 32 ( 1 ) . Retrieved from General OneFile April 06, 2010. What is the article about? This article discusses the correlativity between pupils with larning disablements in the schoolroom and their ability to constructively use themselves in other countries of instruction. Why was the research performed? The research was performed to demo that pupils could use self-regulation in humanistic disciplines instruction to their schoolroom surveies and could better their overall instruction public presentation. Findingss This article explores the research behind how pupils learn in the humanistic disciplines and how those methods of direction can be used to better instruction and teacher instruction. It has been shown that effectual humanistic disciplines direction encourages the development of single schemes and multiple solutions to jobs Strengths The article was broken down into easy digestible subdivisions that were easier to understand and measure. Failings The tabular arraies where non good developed and were difficult to follow doing the article less cohesive overall. Deductions for Practice Self-regulation occurs when pupils monitor precisely what they are making and compare their advancement to an internal criterion and have finally have assurance in what they are making. This can be developed by external environment factors and while everyone can profit from self-regulation it would be particularly of import for this accomplishment to be taught to underachieving pupils. Key words Dance and Society Citation Cote, P. ( 2006 ) . The power of dance in society and instruction: lessons learned from tradition and invention ; Rich dance experiences, and the dynamic tenseness between tradition and invention, supply a solid foundation for dance instruction. JOPERD — The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & A ; Dance 77.5: 24 ( 10 ) . Retrieved from General OneFile April 06, 2010. What is the article about? This article addresses the links between society and dance instruction. The writer looks at how each interacts and alterations the other. She besides examines dance instruction teacher-training plans and there consequences. Why was the research performed? The writer presents the stuff on the footing of her experience and the function dance played in her life played a big portion in her research layout and presentation. Findingss The writer found that while reflecting on her old ages of find and learning her positions were confirmed that the apprehension of the humanistic disciplines evolves over old ages of life closely with them. She purports that dance instruction promotes connexion with the community and that future instructors should develop enterprises which create happy schoolroom environments. This procedure can get down during instructor development and readying. Strengths The writer is really familiar with the capable affair as she was trained as a terpsichorean and a dance teacher. She used that cognition to compose an in deepness survey on dance in society and its application in instruction. Failings With the writer concentrating entirely on her experiences as a dance teacher the article is limited that experience and is directed more towards learning dance with a smaller focal point on instruction. Deductions for Practice By developing dance teachers decently the benefits to the pupils progresses into all facets of their lives non merely through dance. Key words Dance and Society Citation DeMetz, K. ( 2007 ) . Toward a synthesis of scientific discipline and theater humanistic disciplines. Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table. Retrieved April 06, 2010 from Academic OneFile. What is the article about? This journal article discusses how scientific discipline and the theater humanistic disciplines, chiefly play and dance, have shared a successful relationship that has historically benefited society. Why was the research performed? The research was performed to demo how scientific discipline and the theater seek the same things. Findingss The writer found that systematically over two thousand old ages at that place has been a successful partnership between scientific discipline and the humanistic disciplines which should help in doing a instance for interdisciplinary course of study in our current instruction system. Strengths This article is really good written and leads the read from historical findings of links in scientific discipline and the humanistic disciplines to more current applications and deductions for modern society. Failings If you are unfamiliar with scientific discipline and the Laws of Motion, Newtonaa‚Â ¬a„?s Laws, etc. this article will do for a confusing read. Deductions for Practice Although a New York Times column was keening Americaaa‚Â ¬a„?s illiteracy in the countries of scientific discipline and math a recent survey showed that those pupils who studied the humanistic disciplines performed better in six classs of literacy and critical thought accomplishments. These Numberss show a direct correlativity between the humanistic disciplines and improved instruction benchmarks. Key words Dance and Society Citation Kinderfather, K. , & A ; Porter Hearn, C. ( 2010 ) .The National Dance Association: the leader in dance instruction: these are some of the ways in which NDA has affected the universe of dance instruction in the past 25 old ages. JOPERD — The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & A ; Dance 81.1: 40 ( 5 ) . Retrieved April 06, 2010 from General OneFile. What is the article about? This article covers the assorted ways in which the National Dance Association ( NDA ) has affected the dance community over a 25 twelvemonth period and reviews future programs of the NDA to go on to heighten community and life styles of persons of all ages. Why was the research performed? This research was performed to supply an accurate overview of the benefits that the NDA has provided to the universe of dance and the community and their hereafter programs. Findingss NDA has contributed significantly to community instruction through dance for persons of all ages and continues to be after for the hereafter of dance in society. Strengths Provides a batch of basic information on how dance has historically been a portion of society and continues to be a portion of a strong foundation. Failings This journal article gives a wide overview of what the NDA has accomplished, but does non travel into any existent deepness. Deductions for Practice Re-enforces other journal articles and surveies that show dance incorporated into society will go on to profit persons of all ages and aid prepare pupils for todayaa‚Â ¬a„?s society. Key words Dance and Society Citation Monroe, J. E. ( 1995 ) . Developing cultural consciousness through drama. JOPERD — The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & A ; Dance 66.8: 24 ( 4 ) . Retrieved April 08, 2010 from General OneFile. What is the article about? The function of drama on the development of cultural values and how dance can be incorporated into recreational plans in a manner to increase cultural consciousness and community engagement. Why was the research performed? This research was performed to demo how culturally play-based activities have been the cultural footing to go through down or present values within a community from coevals to coevals. Findingss Adults benefit from the interaction every bit much as the kids do. This survey showed that drama could supply the participants the chance to research the word around them and let them to go more culturally cognizant of and accepting of the diverseness they are surrounded by in their environment. Strengths This journal article reviews a assortment of signifiers of drama that would be good to cultural consciousness and value based betterments every bit good as how to develop a culturally based plan and who should be involved in the development of those plans for maximal effectivity. Failings The article covers a broad assortment of possibilities for cultural based consciousness non focused on dance entirely. Leans more towards play alternatively of utilizing dance as a focussed, dedicated signifier of look that benefits society and cultural diverseness and consciousness. Deductions for Practice By integrating play-based activities and dance you can supply a multicultural value system which will stress credence of differences between cultural systems. This would include assisting to develop a positive ego image for those persons who would be most affected by racism. Key words Dance and Society

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Women In The 90S Essays - Gender Studies, The Brady Bunch

Women In The 90'S Essays - Gender Studies, The Brady Bunch Women In The 90'S Women in Television The role of women in television has had an impact important on humanity and on life in America. The image of women in situation comedies has changed. Women in our society have played many roles. During this period from the decades of the 1950s through the 1990s, women started getting their own jobs and got better schooling. The roles of women as portrayed in popular American television have changed from that of humiliating, degrading images to those of dignity and respect. In the series, the Brady Bunch, Carol Brady, cast as the role of the mother, is portrayed as a person who dedicates her entire life to her family. Her activities are family centered. It does not appear that she has employable skills, or that she would choose to go into the work world. She is not portrayed as a decision-maker but waits until her husband comes home to make decisions. Alice, A very strong maid who virtually makes decisions about running the household, supports her management of her home. A great emphasis is placed on Mrs. Bradys physical attractiveness. In contrast, the series Home Improvement has a mother who is strong and makes all the decisions of the household. Compared to Mrs. Bradys portrayal, the mother is a powerful and hard working mother and wife for both her boys and her husband. She portrays the major influence that working women have on American society today. The foci on women on television have changed since the 1950's, giving women more powerful images. Today, in the 1990's, women have shown that their standards are for excellence in both work and home. Educational background is more important than sex appeal. Indeed, the image of women portrayed in television since the 1950's has improved to one of dignity and respect.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Acid Rain essay essays

Acid Rain essay essays My report is on Acid Rain. I gathered up information from many web sites for this project. This should give u more information on acid rain. I talk about hat is acid rain, who discovered it, how is acid rain created, how is it created, how can it be stopped, why is it a probelm.... and other stuff. I even found pictures to go with this project like what happens to things effected by acid rain. Acid rain is just a way to say several ways that acids fall out of the sky the real term is acid deposition. There are two parts to acid deposition wet and dry. Wet deposition is Fog, Rain and Snow. This type mostly effects plants, animals and water. The strength of the effects depends on its ph level and with what it comes in contact with. Dry deposition is acidic gases and particles. The wind blows these gases and transports them when they come into contact with building, trees... the stick to those things. When it rains the rain washes off the building and the rain becomes more acidic. Acid rain was discovered in 1852 by Scientist when a english chemist Robert Agnus invented the term. They discovered it by testing the ph level of rain 1 day and found out that the ph level was lower than the ph level of rain, it isn't much of a difference but enough so it could actually create a problem. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are the primary causes for acid rain. These gases are usually created by electrical facilities and factory's releasing these gasses, these gases are created by burning fossil fuels. Acid rain happens when the gases Sulfur dioxide and Nitrogen oxides react with the water in the atmosphere to form acid rain. The sun helps speed up this process. As u can see on the picture below the gases rise up to the atmosphere then mix with the water. There is both dry deposition and wet deposition that occur, the dry deposition increases the effect ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Acts of Rebellion Essay Example for Free

Acts of Rebellion Essay Essay Topic: Literature , William Shakespeare Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA Romeo and Juliet (446) , Capulet (321) , Dystopia (59) Haven't found the essay you want? Get your custom sample essay for only $13.90/page ? In 1984, Orwell presents the act of rebellion through love. â€Å"Listen. The more men you’ve had, the most I love you. Do you understand that?† this whole quote suggest that they are both rebelling, meaning that Julia has already rebelled in the past by having sex with other men. Also Winston is declaring that the more she rebels the more he would love her, which is also an act of rebellion in itself because love is unauthorized, by Big Brother. â€Å"The most† could suggest that Winston is encouraging everyone to rebel against Big Brother, which could mean that as Julia loves Winston, he is taking advantage of her by telling her that whatever Julia is doing is right that he is totally supporting her. Additionally this could mean that he wanted more people to be corrupt, and everyone to go to the wrong path and disobey Big Brother. Orwell presents the act of rebellion through love because in the Dystopian society there are strict rule that need to be followed, such as no having sex for pleasure, and this is clearly an act of rebellion as Julia had sex with lots of party member. Similarly in Romeo and Juliet where Shakespeare is presenting their love by rebelling, they are both willing to disobey the orders of the wise ones just to be with each other. â€Å"Therefore stay yet; thou need’st not to be gone† proposes that Juliet is stubborn, as the Daughter of Capulet; she is used to get what she wants. Additionally Romeo declares to her † Let me ta’en, let me be put to death† This could emphasise that he is willing to die for Juliet and stay with her than live his life without her, this clearly shows that he is rebelling against all the rules put upon them, just to stay with Juliet. â€Å"Not to be gone† could suggest that Juliet is being bossy as she is ordering him to stay with her. But alternatively this could highlight that as men in the Elizabethan had power over women, and they were patriarchal meaning that Juliet was a bad influence on Romeo, and that she was almost a threat to his manhood. As he accepts defeat Ro meo says â€Å"let me put to death† which could declare that Juliet is Romeo’s weakness and that if someone breaks Juliet, Romeo will also shatter. Acts of Rebellion. (2016, Aug 05).

Friday, October 18, 2019

The US Nation Building Process in 19 Century Research Paper

The US Nation Building Process in 19 Century - Research Paper Example On March 4th 1825 John Quincy Adams became the 6th president. As president, he designed the Monroe Doctrine, which was a warning to the European countries not to colonize the northern or the southern states (Adams 23). This was to be considered as aggression, which The US would intervene. Adams opposed slavery, which made him at loggerheads with congressmen from southern states. The American settlers had begun to take land and explore the western states a phenomenon known as westward expansion (Bentely, Ziegler and Salter 56). The settlers justified this expansion because it was a way to increase the size of the country. Besides, it was a chance to exploit the rich minerals such as gold, especially in California. The new states in the west were also to provide new markets for the excess goods produced due to industrialization. The settlers’ expansion westwards led to the Texas Revolution also known as the US-Mexican war in documentary Mexico, Battle for North America. This too k place between Mexicans and Texas settlers. The war was caused by the Mexican President abolishing the federal constitution and instead establishing a more central one. This decision was unpopular among Mexicans, therefore, led to violence and session movements. The Texan army, which was led by Sam Houston, defeated the Mexican army and Texas gained independence from Mexico thereby becoming the Republic of Texas in 1836. Texas was later annexed by Congress and become 28th state on December 29 1945 (Bentely, Ziegler and Salter 87). One of the major challenges the US faced during that time was the civil war. This was fought between 1861and 1865 and occurred between the northern and southern states. Whereas the northern states abolished slavery and regarded it as sinful, the southern states supported it.

Franklin D Roosevelt biography and Presidential Courage Essay

Franklin D Roosevelt biography and Presidential Courage - Essay Example Roosevelt’s presidency and character are marked by a strong sense of morality and courage. Born on January 30, 1882, Roosevelt was born to his father’s second wife, Sara Delano who came from a prominent family as were the Roosevelt’s who were wealthy for multiple generations. His father was 51 at the time of his birth while his mother was only 28. Though prominent families typically left the care of their children to nannies and nurses, Sara preferred to raise Franklin herself. â€Å"Sara was determined to raise Franklin as a Delano, which meant to raise him as she had been raised under the benign discipline of her father.† (Smith, 49). During the earlier part of his life, his education was through the efforts of governesses and tutors as his parents would not send him to public school. â€Å"One of the most gifted tutors was a young Swiss woman names Jeanne Rosat-Sandoz, who, in addition to drilling Franklin in modern languages, attempted to instill a se nse of social responsibility.† (Smith, 50). It was important to her to develop him as both a person and a scholar. She â€Å"believed in social reform and the Social Gospel; she did her utmost to arouse in FDR a social concern for those less fortunate.† (Smith, 50). ... of travel in his childhood and his parents knew the Cleveland family and so FDR grew up having been to the White House and meeting people in Congress and whose. At age 14, he went to the prestigious Groton School where he was educated in the traditional classic style and did average in school but well enough to enter Harvard University where he also spent time working for the Harvard Newspaper and eventually become editor. Though he did not have extensive dating experience, during this time he began dating and against the wishes of especially his mother, he became determined to marry his fifth cousin, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. She was raised in one of the less fortunate branches of the family but he did marry her in 1905 and shortly after he started at Columbia University Law School. Though FDR was a competent enough scholar, school was never a priority for him. He passed the bar exam but never completed his degree. He had difficulty in law school but seemed unconcerned. â€Å"FDRâ₠¬â„¢s attitude toward law school was similar to Ulysses S. Grant’s view of West Point: it was a hurdle but should not be taken too seriously.† (Smith,96). His ability to face these challenges in life was an example of how he would handle challenges later in his presidency as he would not be stressed or overwhelmed by the situations he would face. â€Å"That was a trait he would hone to an art form in public life. ‘If something was unpleasant and he didn’t want to know about it, he just ignored it and never talked about it,’ said Eleanor. ‘I think he always thought that if you ignore a thing long enough it would settle itself.’† (Smith, 101). However, his college experiences did also help develop his leadership skills which would be key in his presidency. Leadership developed early

How has the rapid growth of Dubai's economy impacted its long term Essay

How has the rapid growth of Dubai's economy impacted its long term urban planning as well as its architectural value - Essay Example There used to be a popular belief that Dubai gains economic revenue on the basis of oil and petroleum. The aim of this paper is to critically assess the impact of economic growth of Dubai on its architecture and urban planning. Furthermore, the paper will create a timeline of milestones that took place in the architectural and urban development of Dubai in a timeline manner. Initially, the architecture of the Arab Emirates has been very simple as there was less need of space consumption. Noting that UAE and especially Dubai has made its way in almost every field of economy, it has been noted that it has largely affected the architecture and urban planning. Previously, the inhabitants of Dubai were basically involved in agricultural field as discovery of oil was not marked. The crop mainly dates and sheep herding was the main source of bread and butter for the people. It can be said that the small buildings and court yards that were the iconic architectural features of Dubai reflected the lifestyle of inhabitants. Traditionally, urban planning was done on the basis of weather control and safety. The materials that were used for architectural projects had capacity of responding to the environmental changes. In simple words, it can be added that the architecture of Dubai saved people from hot weather which was considerably the major reason of deaths in Dub ai1. However, with the passage of time, different source of businesses were found out in Dubai. For instance, the discovery of oil during the sixties brought profitable measures for Dubai. It was due to this reason that social values as well as traditions transformed widely in Dubai in the same era. As more and more business ventures were being noted in Dubai with foreign customers, it was necessary for inhabitants to adopt modern lifestyle. Also, the western model of business and society has always been attractive to UAE. Therefore, a thorough adoption of modern architecture and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Male Cultural Competence response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Male Cultural Competence response - Assignment Example Therefore, the multiculturalism cornerstone remains in establishing an appropriate understanding of people’s sociopolitical histories as well as the people’s histories and the groups to which they belong. During treatments, it is significantly important for the development of an alliance between the clinician and the client for a better therapy. In such a perspective, masculine oriented therapy does not necessarily mean that the clinician has interests in an individual’s masculinity; however, such information is important for the establishment of an alliance. From the student post, it is evident that the patient is given unsatisfactory treatment based on his past behaviors. Because of discriminations, it is proper that clinicians understand their therapist’s values and worldview in order to develop a strong alliance during therapy and offer appropriate treatment (Healy, 2005). As such, the clinicians and another medical staff would offer treatments without any bias, or assumptions by understanding that indeed people are different from the varied cultural variances. Appropriate training and education are crucial in the development of male- culturally appropriate interventions and strategies, especially for therapists as in instances of learning to discuss issues of race and racism. Male as a gender has certain characteristics and activates associated with it. As such, men tend to participate in certain activities, having the strengths-based approach, which are ideally positive factors of engagements in optimizing the available conditions for positive development and creativity in the minimization of the possible risk practices (Berg-Weger et al., 2001).  Certain elements  of the  male  strengths approach of a man’s interaction with other men involve the recognition and focus on strengths and capabilities as a means of responding to challenges that one faces as well as depersonalizing the problems.

Civil War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Civil War - Research Paper Example Immediately after the war, Northern Union implemented strategies meant to ensure restructuring and integration of the Southern states into the larger confederacy. Historical facts from the war documents indicate that the Reconstruction attempts met stiff resistance from the southern insurgency movements (Jerry 34). The northern confederacy wanted to restructure governance structures within the south in order to end slavery. On the other hand, Southern states wanted to continue propagating and practicing slavery. In the middle of contentions was the black American population, who were enslaved and forced to work as farm laborers by white farmers in the south. In this case, the two parties strived to address their concerns, and this lead to a 12 year of Reconstruction efforts within the south. The entire civil war took place within southern states. Upon its completion, communities within the states witnessed substantial social, political and economic damages within their settings. The war ended after the northern Union defeated the Southern insurgency alliance. After the war, southern states, especially Louisiana became dysfunctional and riddled with social predicaments including poverty. Most white settlers in the south had lost their property like farm crops and processing factories to war destructions. In addition, most families in the south had their men killed as a result of heavy casualties from the fights (Smith 45). Others were maimed and disabled by the Northern Union forces. In this context southern families would experience the toughest times in their history attributed to casualty and property destruction after the war. Apart from poverty, there was a pronounced degree of mental illnesses witnessed among war veterans in the southern region. Thousands of soldiers became addicted to morphine; hence could not be productive to the society after the war. White settlers in the south lost the slave labor force; thus they could no longer engage in extensive a gricultural services. Approximately 90% of Black Americans lived in the South during the war (Jerry 23). After the black liberation from slavery by Northern Union soldiers, Southern farmers felt the economic gap left by slave workers in their farms. At this juncture, we can acknowledge the fact that Southern states suffered substantial damages after the civil war. With respect to Reconstruction, Southern alliances saw the move as an insult from the north, given that the southern states had already suffered great loss after the war. On the other hand, Northern alliance wanted to further their ambitions aimed towards abolition of slavery in the south. In this regard, Southern states interpreted the reconstruction move as an attempt by north to further injure damages already inflicted to the south. Therefore, reconstruction efforts met stiff resistance, especially on the efforts directed towards abolition of slavery. Reconstruction started in the time when Abraham Lincoln was the US pr esident. Lincoln sought support of the congress and executive arms of the cabinet in striving to formulate policies meant to oversee Reconstruction strategies. At the inception stages, Reconstruction started gaining momentum when black Americans moved from their slavery masters, into independent settlements. In addition, African Americans started receiving political recognition, which granted them freedom to participate in elective politics. Despite Lincoln’s efforts in implementing strategies, the president met stiff resista

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How has the rapid growth of Dubai's economy impacted its long term Essay

How has the rapid growth of Dubai's economy impacted its long term urban planning as well as its architectural value - Essay Example There used to be a popular belief that Dubai gains economic revenue on the basis of oil and petroleum. The aim of this paper is to critically assess the impact of economic growth of Dubai on its architecture and urban planning. Furthermore, the paper will create a timeline of milestones that took place in the architectural and urban development of Dubai in a timeline manner. Initially, the architecture of the Arab Emirates has been very simple as there was less need of space consumption. Noting that UAE and especially Dubai has made its way in almost every field of economy, it has been noted that it has largely affected the architecture and urban planning. Previously, the inhabitants of Dubai were basically involved in agricultural field as discovery of oil was not marked. The crop mainly dates and sheep herding was the main source of bread and butter for the people. It can be said that the small buildings and court yards that were the iconic architectural features of Dubai reflected the lifestyle of inhabitants. Traditionally, urban planning was done on the basis of weather control and safety. The materials that were used for architectural projects had capacity of responding to the environmental changes. In simple words, it can be added that the architecture of Dubai saved people from hot weather which was considerably the major reason of deaths in Dub ai1. However, with the passage of time, different source of businesses were found out in Dubai. For instance, the discovery of oil during the sixties brought profitable measures for Dubai. It was due to this reason that social values as well as traditions transformed widely in Dubai in the same era. As more and more business ventures were being noted in Dubai with foreign customers, it was necessary for inhabitants to adopt modern lifestyle. Also, the western model of business and society has always been attractive to UAE. Therefore, a thorough adoption of modern architecture and

Civil War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Civil War - Research Paper Example Immediately after the war, Northern Union implemented strategies meant to ensure restructuring and integration of the Southern states into the larger confederacy. Historical facts from the war documents indicate that the Reconstruction attempts met stiff resistance from the southern insurgency movements (Jerry 34). The northern confederacy wanted to restructure governance structures within the south in order to end slavery. On the other hand, Southern states wanted to continue propagating and practicing slavery. In the middle of contentions was the black American population, who were enslaved and forced to work as farm laborers by white farmers in the south. In this case, the two parties strived to address their concerns, and this lead to a 12 year of Reconstruction efforts within the south. The entire civil war took place within southern states. Upon its completion, communities within the states witnessed substantial social, political and economic damages within their settings. The war ended after the northern Union defeated the Southern insurgency alliance. After the war, southern states, especially Louisiana became dysfunctional and riddled with social predicaments including poverty. Most white settlers in the south had lost their property like farm crops and processing factories to war destructions. In addition, most families in the south had their men killed as a result of heavy casualties from the fights (Smith 45). Others were maimed and disabled by the Northern Union forces. In this context southern families would experience the toughest times in their history attributed to casualty and property destruction after the war. Apart from poverty, there was a pronounced degree of mental illnesses witnessed among war veterans in the southern region. Thousands of soldiers became addicted to morphine; hence could not be productive to the society after the war. White settlers in the south lost the slave labor force; thus they could no longer engage in extensive a gricultural services. Approximately 90% of Black Americans lived in the South during the war (Jerry 23). After the black liberation from slavery by Northern Union soldiers, Southern farmers felt the economic gap left by slave workers in their farms. At this juncture, we can acknowledge the fact that Southern states suffered substantial damages after the civil war. With respect to Reconstruction, Southern alliances saw the move as an insult from the north, given that the southern states had already suffered great loss after the war. On the other hand, Northern alliance wanted to further their ambitions aimed towards abolition of slavery in the south. In this regard, Southern states interpreted the reconstruction move as an attempt by north to further injure damages already inflicted to the south. Therefore, reconstruction efforts met stiff resistance, especially on the efforts directed towards abolition of slavery. Reconstruction started in the time when Abraham Lincoln was the US pr esident. Lincoln sought support of the congress and executive arms of the cabinet in striving to formulate policies meant to oversee Reconstruction strategies. At the inception stages, Reconstruction started gaining momentum when black Americans moved from their slavery masters, into independent settlements. In addition, African Americans started receiving political recognition, which granted them freedom to participate in elective politics. Despite Lincoln’s efforts in implementing strategies, the president met stiff resista

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Defining Humanities Essay Example for Free

Defining Humanities Essay Humanities is the study of language, philosophy, communication, environment, history, religion, sociology, arts, culture, education and ethics. The word humanities originally comes from the Latin word, â€Å"humanus. † The word humanus means â€Å"human. † To be â€Å"human† is to possess the qualities and attributes of man. Being human also has the feelings and dispositions proper to man. However, humanities as the study of the different cultural aspects analyzes man’s weaknesses in life and how each can be improved. Culture includes speech, knowledge, beliefs, arts, technologies, ideals, and rules. To be cultured means to be refined and well versed in arts, philosophy, and the languages. It is also to be learned about great men and leaders in the past. Culture should regulate the type of behavior considered appropriate to an individual. Its teaching is essential for one to obtain the proper knowledge in his efforts to achieve the status of being a cultured man. On the other hand, understanding man and his affairs rather than just a body of accepted facts and theories is a purpose for humanities. It has various meanings in different historical periods, but it is only the same. This sums up to remind everyone about humanity. Humanities dealt with philosophy and theology in the 12th, 13th centuries and Renaissance period. This was the study of disciplines among languages, fine arts, music, and philosophy. Recognizing literature defined humanities in the past. There were different types of performing arts such as music, dance, theatre, philosophy, and religion. Humanities supported various categories of literature. Each and every one of these types were study academically. in the early centuries. Humanities is still an ongoing study of today and the future.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Concept and Debate of Transhumanism

The Concept and Debate of Transhumanism Faiza Hossain Introduction: As human beings, we are obsessed with progressing and improving ourselves. Whether it be physically or mentally, this idea of being better is apparent. [DS1]Transhumanism is an extreme form of improving oneself[DS2].   Whether it be being induced with artificial blood, or inserting a microchip into the brain, transhumanism is about making the ordinary, extraordinary! But, is it ethically right and beneficial to test on humans? Should we be messing around with the natural creation of our bodies? And can transhumanism be a danger to society? These major ethical questions will be answered in this research paper, where the core value of what a transhuman is, will be exposed[DS3]. Is transhumanism really beneficial and ethical for human beings? The definition of Transhumanism is the belief or theory that the human race can advance beyond its present physical and mental limitations, especially by the use of science and technology. We are living in generation, where technology is rapidly evolving and improving. This advancement of technology has benefited people, especially in the transhumanist area. This can be portrayed by the living example of Jesse Sullivan; who is titled as the worlds first Bionic Man1. Sullivan lost his arm in an accident however, The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, gave him the opportunity to replace his arms with robotic prosthetics. The procedure included connecting his nervous system to the robotic arm, allowing him to lift objects by the power of thought. This procedure proves that the marriage of technology and biological components is possible, and really is beneficial to mankind. An arm cant be grown, but technology has given individuals a second chance and an opportunity to have a better quality of life. Another way in which machinery has positively changed a persons life is the story of a stroke patient who trialled the BrainGate2 System. A brain-computer interface used a 4mm-wide chip1, which was implanted in the brain. The significance of this chip was the ability to read signals from neurons which were in charge of motion controlling (e.g., the movement of muscles) and interpret the signals, using a computer, into the physical movement of, such as, a robotic arm and hand. After five years, the chip is still fully working, and the patient is able to carry out daily tasks, which we take granted for, such as raising a cup of coffee to her mouth. This astonishing piece of technology has also given this patient a better quality of life, and furthermore, proves that the study of transhumanism is vital, to help those who need it. Although a robotic arm may be perceived as artificial, and unnatural, technology is allowing people to be happier, even after a traumatic event. The future of transhumanism includes the invention of artificial blood, which improves your stamina. Having a microchip inside your brain, which allows you to communicate telepathically, and being able to become smarter, passively, by storing information into this chip. The possibilities to the way the study of transhumanism can benefit us, is endless. Is human testing, justifiable? When it comes to the study of transhumanism, a controversial question always arises; should scientist be allowed to test on human subjects? This concern is portrayed by numerous people (such as religious followers), and what some people claim, is holding scientists and technology back, from rapidly progressing[DS4].   Research involving human subjects is not intrinsically ethically dubious. Human testing does have ethical concerns, however, these concerns can be met and eased out. There is a huge importance for human testing as it will create a huge improvement in the quality of lives and number of lives saved through such research 3, and this can be seen from earlier examples of patients receiving robotic arms. Human testing is vital for the progression of the future. When conducting experiments on human test subjects, it is essential that the experiment is carried out ethically. This includes asking the participants permission, fully explaining what the procedure will be, making necessary medical check-ups, and making sure he/she will be safe. Furthermore, external judgement is used to measure the safety of the experiment, and in this case, the Research ethics committees (RECs) are widely used to assess and review trial designs.4 The importance of these committees is to overview, and evaluate the practices the researcher will conduct on the participant. The committee include both professional and lay perspectives as to whether the research is ethically acceptable. This portrays that a lot of extensive background checks are carried out, and the safety of the participant is a priority[DS5]. PRECAUTIONARY VS PROACTIVE RESEARCH Scientists, especially those in the transhumanism field, are aware of the cautionary and proactive research. We should not reject the products of applied science; neither should we implement powerful new technologies without foresight and proactive preparation.   ( Being a proactive researcher, is about taking risks, but doing it for the benefit of making progress in technology. Relying on the evidence from past experiments, and written text books, will not help transhumanism evolve into what it can be fully capable of. Making the robotic arms, was a proactive choice made by scientists, and now, people are reeking the benefits from this. Imagine, what more we can unveil, if scientists keep making this proactive choice. An alternative response for research is known as the precautionary principle. The precautionary principle, proposed as a new guideline in environmental decision making6, has four main mechanisms: taking actions to prevent any uncertainties; shifting the burden of proof to the proponents of an activity; finding lots of alternative routes to possibly harmful actions, and getting more public participation in decision making before and during research. The precautionary principle highlights this tight, challenging linkage between science and policy.6 Although precautionary research is much safer for the participant, the problem with the unwillingness to take risks, means progress is made slower in the technology field. This slows down our advancement for a better future and means people who need these revolutionary machinery in their day to day life (such as robotic legs and arms), have to wait longer[DS6]. THE NEGATIVES ABOUT TRANSHUMANISM       The main problem with the idea of transhumanism that many face, is if technology is being exploited for our selfish desires? The idea of wanting to live longer, or be smarter   and stronger, are selfish desires that people want to achieve, and some perceive as unnatural. As all living things are mortal, the study of transhumanism, is fascinating; a topic in transhumanism includes finding ways to cheat death. Being immortal sounds amazing, but is it realistic? If everyone in this world was immortal, then there will be over population7, food shortages, increased global warming and negative climate change. Furthermore, due to overpopulation, there may be a rapid spread of disease, water may run out and fossil fuel will be used up a lot quicker. The world we live in, cannot provide for the immortal. Transhumanist are optimist that through their technological findings, they can help third world countries such as India, by -skipping industrialization and go straight into late capitalist, post- industrial societies (Munkittrick). However, from the extremely high pollution levels seen by third world countries such as India and Brazil, this transition is not at smooth, and if anything, is more damaging to the earth. The concept of skipping industrialization, for these third world countries, seems very unrealistic, and nothing but a utopian view. One last negative attitude towards transhumanism, is that it will create a segregation between societies. It is evident, that when technology that can make you smarter or live longer is achieved, the privileged few will be able to have accesses to these traits, which will create and further distance between people; based on their wealth. Although transhumanism will allow us to benefit traits which will benefit us in the future, it is also possible that there will be more inequality between people and also, earth is not equipped to allow living space for immortal living species. MY METHODOLOGY My report is solely based off secondary research. I have been able to carry out secondary research by reading and actively unpicking online journals and articles (based on transhumanism), visit official which profession transhumanist have written papers and pieces based on this topic. Furthermore, the use of critiquing text was used, and looking at real life examples of cyborgs was evident. As my research only consisted of secondary data, this meant that a research budget was not necessary, as I [DS7]was not required to do any primary research. TRANSHUMANISMà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦A BETTER FUTURE? In conclusion, clearly the study of transhumanism has benefited people in this century. Technology is rapidly evolving and it is fitting the needs of people, whether that be the likes of a robotic arm. Transhumanism is breaking the boundary of people with disabilities, and in this context, closing the inequality gap that many disabled people feel[DS8]. However, if this research is mistreated, many people will get severely hurt, and it can totally flip, and instead, creates a larger inequality between people[DS9]. The future of transhumanism is looking bright, and with technology progressing this far, cures for diseases can be found much quicker, and ground breaking technology, can be used to help third world countries. It is the optimism of the people and scientist, which is needed, if we are to make the future a better place. I truly believe there is a place for transhumanism and cyborgs in the future, but it is up to us to be open minded for this change. REFERENCES[DS10] JESSE SULLIVAN Lanxon, Nate. Practical Transhumanism: Five Living Cyborgs. WIRED UK. N.p., 2016. Web. 6 Sept. 2016. Transhumanist Values. N.p., 2016. Web. 6 Sept. 2016. N.p., 2016. Web. 7 Sept. 2016. Gorski, David. N.p., 2016. Web. 7 Sept. 2016. 5. Transhumanisms Extropy Institute Transhumanism For A Better Future. N.p., 2016. Web. 7 Sept. 2016. 6. D Kriebel, M Stoto. The Precautionary Principle In Environmental Science.. Environmental Health Perspectives 109.9 (2001): 871. Web. 7 Sept. 2016. 7. The Problems With Transhumanism. Psychology Today. N.p., 2016. Web. 7 Sept. 2016. [DS1]This is very bold statement. In the future, try to find any research that can support this claim. [DS2]This another example where you should use a reference to support the statement. [DS3]A lot of assumption were made in this paragraph. It will be a good practise in the future to the use a reference to support what you are saying. [DS4]Reference? [DS5]Good demonstration of ethical understanding, but the referencing format used was not Harvard referencing. [DS6]Good points laid out in this section. [DS7]Avoiding writing academic report in first person, always write them in third person. [DS8]The context of this statement is not clear. [DS9]Which research, in what way will it flip, and what source do you have to support this statement? [DS10]The format used is not Harvard referencing.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Point Of View Essay :: essays research papers

In the short story "Through the tunnel", Doris Lessing describes the adventure of Jerry, a young English boy trying to swim through an underwater tunnel. Throughout the story, the author uses the third person omniscient point of view to describe the boy's surroundings and to show us both what he and the other characters are thinking and what is happening around them. By using this point of view, the author is able to describe the setting of the story, give a detailed description of the characters, and make the theme visible. By using the third person omniscient point of view, the narrator can give us a detailed and unbiased description of his/her surroundings while still retaining part of the character's view of reality. When the narrator says "It was a wild-looking place, and there was no one there" we are given the mother's view of the boy's beach, which in her opinion is "wild looking". This gives us a clear picture of the setting. Additionally, the sentence "He went out fast over the gleaming sand, over a middle region where rocks lay like discolored monsters under the surface, and then he was in the real sea - a warm sea where irregular cold currents from the deep water shocked his limbs" clearly describes the beach where the boy is swimming and how it is seen by him. With the addition of words like "discoloured monsters" and "real sea" we can tell what the boy's feeling are toward his beach which he considers scary but at the same time challeng ing. By using the third person omniscient point of view, the narrator is able to render the characters with information related both from direct description and from the other character's revelations. This way, the description remains unbiased, but at the same time coherent with how the various characters see it. For example, after the narrator tells us that "He was an only child, eleven years old. She was a widow. She was determined to be neither possessive nor lacking in devotion.", we are able to understand why the boy is so emotionally attached to his mother and, at the beginning, unwilling to ask her for permission to go to his beach and, later in the story, unwilling to let her know about his adventure through the tunnel. This also explains why the mother let him go without questions, even if she was very worried about him. Point Of View Essay :: essays research papers In the short story "Through the tunnel", Doris Lessing describes the adventure of Jerry, a young English boy trying to swim through an underwater tunnel. Throughout the story, the author uses the third person omniscient point of view to describe the boy's surroundings and to show us both what he and the other characters are thinking and what is happening around them. By using this point of view, the author is able to describe the setting of the story, give a detailed description of the characters, and make the theme visible. By using the third person omniscient point of view, the narrator can give us a detailed and unbiased description of his/her surroundings while still retaining part of the character's view of reality. When the narrator says "It was a wild-looking place, and there was no one there" we are given the mother's view of the boy's beach, which in her opinion is "wild looking". This gives us a clear picture of the setting. Additionally, the sentence "He went out fast over the gleaming sand, over a middle region where rocks lay like discolored monsters under the surface, and then he was in the real sea - a warm sea where irregular cold currents from the deep water shocked his limbs" clearly describes the beach where the boy is swimming and how it is seen by him. With the addition of words like "discoloured monsters" and "real sea" we can tell what the boy's feeling are toward his beach which he considers scary but at the same time challeng ing. By using the third person omniscient point of view, the narrator is able to render the characters with information related both from direct description and from the other character's revelations. This way, the description remains unbiased, but at the same time coherent with how the various characters see it. For example, after the narrator tells us that "He was an only child, eleven years old. She was a widow. She was determined to be neither possessive nor lacking in devotion.", we are able to understand why the boy is so emotionally attached to his mother and, at the beginning, unwilling to ask her for permission to go to his beach and, later in the story, unwilling to let her know about his adventure through the tunnel. This also explains why the mother let him go without questions, even if she was very worried about him.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Explain, with specific examples from the novel, How the writer’s :: Free Essay Writer

Explain, with specific examples from the novel, How the writer’s descriptions of location and setting reflect the changes inJane Eyre’s character. In this essay I will explain how Charlotte Bronte manages to change the mood and feelings in Jane Eyre’s character by the description of the location and setting. Throughout Jane Eyre, as Jane herself moves from one physical location to another, the settings in which she finds herself vary considerably. Bronte makes the most of this by carefully arranging those settings, to match the differing circumstances Jane finds herself in at each. In this novel, Charlotte Bronte uses violence throughout the book to keep the reader interested and also at the same time it creates a good springboard for emotional and dramatical scenes. This is a great way for Bronte, to express the different changes in Jane Eyre’s mood and feelings. The first occurrence of this is when Jane physically quarrels with her cousin John. This leads to Jane being locked up in the Red Room in which her uncle died. This represents violence because of the physical fighting and that the room is also red, which some people think represents violence. Also, in the book Charlotte Bronte uses the technique of pathetic fallacy to represent Jane’s moods e.g. ‘the cold winter wind had brought with it’s clouds so sombre, a rain so penetrating, that further outdoor exercise was now out of the question’ (chapter 1, Page 9). This is a description of the weather at Gateshead, showing that Jane’s inner mood is blank and miserable. She feels unsure about her future, by not having a bare insight into her life. As a young girl, Jane Eyre feels trapped at Gateshead, as if it is her whole world. In the first chapter, Charlotte Bronte makes a very good attempt at describing Jane’s fear of John Reed, ‘He bullied and punished me; not two or three times in the week, but continually: every nerve I had feared him, and every morsel of flesh on my bones shrank when he came near’ (Chapter 1, Page 12). This is a description of Jane’s fear that she has of John. This shows that Jane could not be very happy and would be frightened most of the time because of the bullying and punishing John gave to her continually. Also in the first chapter, Jane is excluded to the breakfast room and she went behind a closed curtain reading quietly which was very enjoying for her, ‘I was then happy: happy at least in my way’. This shows Jane’s happiness when she is reading a book, In my own opinion I think Jane gets happy because

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Pursuit of Happyness

â€Å"The Pursuit of Happyness† The movie it’s about a man called Christopher Gardner that lives with his wife and son in a small apartment. They have a low budget and are going thru a very difficult time economically and it could come to a point where they can lose everything and even get apart. This man invested the family savings in this kind of machines called â€Å"Bone Density scanner’’ thinking he was going to invest and earned a lot of money to maintain his family. They thought it was going to be a great result, but it turned out the opposite way. In life not everything that seems bright as gold.The Gardner family where trying to survive the most that they can. While the days were passing it was getting worst and worst. Chris Gardner has big dreams for him and his family but it doesn’t seem to come together for him. This financial thing that were going on suddenly breaks the family starting with troubles in the relationship with his wife th at leaves him and his son and moves to New York. His wife wanted to take their son with her because she said that every children should be with their mom, but Christopher said that it’s very true, but he said that he could take better care of him than her because his used to it.After that he loses his wife, lost his bank account, and credit cards. He was searching for jobs all over but he couldn’t find anything, until finally he decided to do an stockbroker internship position at Dean Witter, competing for one career for six months with getting any salary at all with twenty other candidates for that position and only one of them was going to get the job. He was doing the best he could to fight for what he wanted. He was being a father and a mother at the same time it was not easy as it seemed to be. Meanwhile, they were homeless and he was going thru all the difficulties with his son Christopher Jr.Even thou they were struggling Chris was determined to make it and not giving up, in another words with the little that they had they were trying to survive. What it seemed impossible turned possible because after all the hard work and the difficult times that they were going thru, all that turned out to be a wonderful result for their lives because he finally got the job, from all twenty candidates he got to be the chosen one. Chris and his son’s lives change from the darkness past to a brightness present. In conclusion, this movie it’s amazing and great.It inspired me a lot because it teach me that no matter what are you going thru or what you face in life there’s nothing impossible and giving up is not an option. It doesn’t matter how many times you fall, what it matters it’s how many times you stand up and keep moving forward. Life could give you so many challenges, but it’s up to you how you decided to face it and deal with it and besides that it’s the result that you are going to obtain. These word s of the movie â€Å"Don’t ever let somebody tell you†¦You can’t do something† â€Å"You got a dream†¦ you got to protect it.People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you, you can’t do it. If you want something go get it. Period† they inspired me a lot because you can’t let anyone bring you down and tell you that you’re a nobody and that you can’t do anything just because they haven’t gotten what they wanted or their dreams come true. We have to stand up, be strong, and demonstrate that we are better than them and that we could do anything that step in our ways without the help of anybody. I leave with this saying â€Å"What it looks impossible for man, it’s possible for God†. The Pursuit of Happyness â€Å"The Pursuit of Happyness† The movie it’s about a man called Christopher Gardner that lives with his wife and son in a small apartment. They have a low budget and are going thru a very difficult time economically and it could come to a point where they can lose everything and even get apart. This man invested the family savings in this kind of machines called â€Å"Bone Density scanner’’ thinking he was going to invest and earned a lot of money to maintain his family. They thought it was going to be a great result, but it turned out the opposite way. In life not everything that seems bright as gold.The Gardner family where trying to survive the most that they can. While the days were passing it was getting worst and worst. Chris Gardner has big dreams for him and his family but it doesn’t seem to come together for him. This financial thing that were going on suddenly breaks the family starting with troubles in the relationship with his wife th at leaves him and his son and moves to New York. His wife wanted to take their son with her because she said that every children should be with their mom, but Christopher said that it’s very true, but he said that he could take better care of him than her because his used to it.After that he loses his wife, lost his bank account, and credit cards. He was searching for jobs all over but he couldn’t find anything, until finally he decided to do an stockbroker internship position at Dean Witter, competing for one career for six months with getting any salary at all with twenty other candidates for that position and only one of them was going to get the job. He was doing the best he could to fight for what he wanted. He was being a father and a mother at the same time it was not easy as it seemed to be. Meanwhile, they were homeless and he was going thru all the difficulties with his son Christopher Jr.Even thou they were struggling Chris was determined to make it and not giving up, in another words with the little that they had they were trying to survive. What it seemed impossible turned possible because after all the hard work and the difficult times that they were going thru, all that turned out to be a wonderful result for their lives because he finally got the job, from all twenty candidates he got to be the chosen one. Chris and his son’s lives change from the darkness past to a brightness present. In conclusion, this movie it’s amazing and great.It inspired me a lot because it teach me that no matter what are you going thru or what you face in life there’s nothing impossible and giving up is not an option. It doesn’t matter how many times you fall, what it matters it’s how many times you stand up and keep moving forward. Life could give you so many challenges, but it’s up to you how you decided to face it and deal with it and besides that it’s the result that you are going to obtain. These word s of the movie â€Å"Don’t ever let somebody tell you†¦You can’t do something† â€Å"You got a dream†¦ you got to protect it.People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you, you can’t do it. If you want something go get it. Period† they inspired me a lot because you can’t let anyone bring you down and tell you that you’re a nobody and that you can’t do anything just because they haven’t gotten what they wanted or their dreams come true. We have to stand up, be strong, and demonstrate that we are better than them and that we could do anything that step in our ways without the help of anybody. I leave with this saying â€Å"What it looks impossible for man, it’s possible for God†.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Discipline Essay

Machiavelli has a theory that â€Å"ends justify the means† which means a person may do whatever they need to do as long as their outcome has some meaning. In sports some believe that taking steroids is the right thing to do. Then there is also the group that believes that taking steroids is morally wrong. From an ethical/moral standpoint, players who use steroids are cheating and living a lie, garnering success and prospering from illegal substances. Users who buy into Machiavelli’s theory go against society’s standards of rewarding hard work and discipline. When you take steroids you do not use hard work and discipline to reach your physical status. Taking steroids is a harm that reaches far beyond one’s body, but into one’s soul. It is morally wrong to cheat for a living. Those who oppose the illegality and immorality of performance-enhancing drugs maintain that professional athletes should have the right to use steroids because steroids are no different from any other technology or substance that enables athletes to compete at high levels. Although advances in technology in sports have been made that only allows the sports to become more competitive. One’s body is not a piece of equipment that can be used, abused, and replaced. Using enhancers such as, anabolic steroids, allows beings to become almost super human an act of immorality. In Steve Yuhas’ essay, â€Å"The Steroid Scandal in Baseball has been Overblown,† he explains a profound understanding that steroids cannot increase the abilities of an athlete. Overall steroids do not help the abilities taught to professional athletes or athletes in general. Yuhas states that â€Å"Yes, they can become stronger and their biceps may grow to the size of a normal person’s thigh, but that doesn’t make them able to hit a small ball with a thin bat and it certainly doesn’t make a football player throw more accurately or kick the ball through the uprights with more precision† (Yuhas 2). Abilities are taught and learned. Steroids do not help the ability of the athlete. He is a believer of Machiavelli’s theory; he believes that an athlete does not have to work hard to achieve a mentally and physically stronger body when they can just pop a pill to do the work for them. Yuhas’ argues, â€Å"There seems to be a [†¦] scale of morality involved in steroids that is absent from any other substance. Popping a pill to render a child more productive in school or to make a fat person thin is great; sucking the fat out of a woman’s behind or injecting a forehead with botox is simply cosmetic upkeep, but put something in your body that makes you more competitive in your livelihood and it is somehow morally corrupt† (Yuhas 2). Although Yuhas makes a substantial argument there is a thin line between what is morally wrong and what is right. Athletes use steroids to become stronger to earn more money and fame for themselves. Society looks upon steroid use as an immoral judgment. Steroid use for athletes is a selfish and greedy act. People may use botox to prevent â€Å"Father Time†, but that is not a reason for professional athletes, who are role models to so many, to use steroids. A human beings competitive livelihood is apparent to all. When someone wants to become the best they are willing to work hard for it and not cheat. When you use steroids you do not become the greatest athlete, but you do become the worst. Despite the recent problems with steroid use in professional sports, especially baseball, steroid restrictions have not been enforced hard enough on the athletes. Steroids used by one-person gives them an advantage over those who do not use performance enhancers. Due to steroid use, sports records held by elite athletes are being broken by false feats that are only achieved by using an enhancer, and enforcing steroid use in professional sports gives young athletes a better understanding of how dangerous enhancers actually are. Aside from personal harm to the user, steroid use is detrimental to fellow players as well as fans. Many things can be included as an immoral act but in today’s society steroid use is a main point on what is morally wrong. Baseball is an American pastime and ruining the game is a bad example to all Americans. Americans have a livelihood for competition, from clinching the World Series to who can belch the loudest. Our conscience urges competition to an extreme that makes the littlest of things very big. While performance-enhancing drugs enhance an athlete’s skill sets, they devalue and alter competition. When you go to a baseball game you only want to see a few things, which include that huge homerun by your favorite player and the win to your favorite team. Some would argue that using steroids will allow more homeruns to players and would make baseball games more entertaining. Well those few people may be right but then the game would not be competitive. If you go to a game and each team hits five to eight homeruns apiece the urge to see homeruns and watch the game would be ruined. Records are always broken, each decade a more outstanding athlete emerges and they begin at a record pace and break great athletic records. Records are something to glorify, Babe Ruth had the record homeruns in a season, then a few years later that was broken by another player, Roger Marris. As the game began to become more competitive in both aspects of pitching and hitting records were difficult to break. Hitters began to hit the long ball harder and further, the change in the athletes muscle mass was exponential but players and the MLB did not care. Baseball had many fans, as Mark McGwire had been his record-breaking homerun pace. His record was set by a lie as he attested to using steroids during that record breaking year and his lie caused much hurt to fans as it had embarrassed the franchise. Later Barry Bonds broke the record and broke the all time homeruns in a career passing Hank Aaron. Not long after that he was accused of using steroids and then again a franchise was embarrassed. The pressure on baseball players is indirect; it comes twice a month, on paydays. The big money goes to guys who hit thirty homers, not the ones who hit thirty doubles. It pays to be strong; it is almost like an animalistic behavior. Only the strongest survive. Are athletes the role models needed for American youth? Many young athletes have their favorite player in whichever sport they partake in. Seeing their idol admitting to using steroids could possibly corrupt their mind in believing that steroid use is the right thing to do to become a stronger and better athlete. Beyond any possible benefits of steroid use lies the dangerous issue of health. In many cases, athletes (especially young athletes) are so focused on success in a professional sport that they are ignoring the glaring consequences of steroid use. In actuality, the price of steroid use and abuse is high; much higher a price than any lucrative contract or marketing deal. â€Å"The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that heart attacks, strokes, and live cancer are the more serious life-threatening effects of steroid abuse. Side effects for male users include acne, hair-loss, development of breasts, shrinking testicles, and impotence. † (qtd. In Fletcher D4). Yet another way in which steroids harm the user is through increased susceptibility to injuries. One theory is that players are overwhelming their bodies with rapid muscle growth. Players who use steroids to gain a competitive advantage over peers and opponents pressure others, including youth, to use performance-enhancing substances. If they too want to win and remain competitive, they must use steroids as well. In baseball, as with all professional sports, income, fame, and marketability depend on success and impressive feats of athleticism. The pressure and increased incentive to â€Å"bulk up† is evident. â€Å"The average size of a major-league player was a pretty standard 6-foot-1, 185 pounds for at least 30 years, until the early 1990s. Today, the average player is 6-foot-1, 200 pounds, and most teams have players who weigh in at 240 pounds or more. † (West 22). Bigger players hit more home runs and sign lucrative contracts and endorsement deals. Because of this, more players want to be bigger. As more and more players are tainted by steroids it begins to affect more and more of the youth that watches sports. Steroids have directly affected the biggest fans in baseball, America’s youth. Besides cheapening statistics and athletic accomplishments, the use of performance-enhancing drugs has tarnished the general image of baseball. Instead of a game that encourages healthy competition, it is one that resembles a pharmacological trade show, where the effects of steroids are put on display. Baseball is known as â€Å"America’s pastime†. It holds a special place in American society. The values of society are reflected in the values of its most popular and revered cultural pastimes. When the message is sent that it is acceptable to have a drug problem in sport, it is akin to saying that this staple of American culture is reflective of a drug problem in society. Some would argue that baseball is a reflection of a culture mired in drugs and a society that is lacking quality role models for its youth. One of the biggest blows to baseball’s image came in August 2005 when slugger Rafael Palmeiro, who has collected over 3,000 hits and has hit nearly 600 home runs during his career, tested positive for steroids. † (Fletcher D1). The former first baseman for the Baltimore Orioles was booed relentlessly and was told by the team after the season he would no longer be part of the team. Palmeiro is since retired; his hall-of-fame numbers are still in question. As we have seen, the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport, specifically baseball, is an immoral practice. As seen steroid use does in fact directly affects fans and the teammates that the player plays with. Drug testing baseball players cannot be foolproof. In fact, all the testing does is keep players from using optimal dosages and encourage them to find ways to mask the drugs. The only infallible test for steroid use is a player’s moral compass. As soon as players identify not using steroids as a moral obligation, for both personal reasons and beyond, the game of baseball and its once-great warriors will return to the apex of the sporting world.