Monday, September 30, 2019

Hume: Morality Is Based on Sentiment

Hume: Morality is Based on Sentiment This paper will attempt to give a detailed breakdown of David Hume's take on morality, and how some of the other philosophers would critique his stance. I will first speak about why Hume believes reason and passion don't contradict each other. Then I will give Aristotle’s and Aquinas' view on this conclusion of his. Next, I will speak on how Hume argues that moral judgments aren't grounded in reason. Afterwards, I will discuss what he considers that moral judgments are founded on. Finally, I will give a critique of Hume's theory from Hobbes' perspective.Hume's take on human morality is a very interesting one indeed to contemplate. His main argument on the topic is that the morality of humans is totally derived from sentiment, and in no way has anything to do with reason. He first defines sentiment and reason. He says that the former refers to passions such as emotions, feelings, appetites and desires. Then he also goes on to categorize the passions as being either calm or violent. And according to him, it is our passions that lead us to action. He also states that passions can neither be true nor false, they're â€Å"original existences† (Hume 42 column 2 paragraph 3).Then he defines reason as, what we can say, are ruminations of the mind, which includes beliefs, thoughts, conclusions of arguments, etc, and declares that these can be true or false. It is with these definitions in mind that Hume goes on to make the statement that passion and reason cannot oppose each other. Because passions are original existences, they are neither reasonable nor unreasonable though they are the dominators of our actions. Reason, however, can be put to true/false evaluations and are actually derived from our passions.Reason cannot contradict passion because this would be an internal disagreement of ideas, which are considered as copies of the object which they represent, i. e. the particular passion. He states though that a pass ion can be called unreasonable if it is founded upon a false supposition or chooses insufficient means for the required end (Hume 43 column 2 paragraph 2), but when one perceives that the supposition is false or the means are insufficient, then the passion yields to reason without any opposition whatsoever (Hume 43 column 2 paragraph 2).This is because willing an action follows upon the supposition that the action brings about a proposed effect, but as soon as it's found that this supposition is not true there is no more desire to will that action. He also says that reason can have an indirect impact on passion. For example, when one considers jealousy, it can be seen that it’s a passion that’s based in human belief. Aristotle’s view is based on a system of virtues of which, if they’re done well, would cause one to lead a happy life. He also states that there are actually two categories of virtues: those that are intellectual and those which are moral.Int ellectual virtues refer to those characteristics that lead one to think or reason well, and demands experience and time. Moral virtues, on the other hand, are those characteristics that perfect our character and are acquired through habit (Aristotle 54 column 1 paragraph 4). These habits are the basis of actions, thus determining what one does in particular situations. Taking a look at how Hume’s actions derived from sentiment can be compared with Aristotle’s moral virtues that come through habit, the parallels in the theories can be immediately seen.The same can be said about Aristotle’s intellectual virtues bettering one’s thinking when compared with Hume’s reason being composed of ideas, beliefs and the like. Hume’s definitions of sentiment and reason can be seen as analogous to Aristotle’s virtues. Seeing that these two classes of virtues too function in wholly different ways to Aristotle, being that they target different aspects of the human, he would agree with Hume’s view that passion cannot oppose reason.The same can be said for Aquinas as was said for Aristotle. Aquinas' statement â€Å"Whatever a human being seeks, it seeks under the aspect of the good and if it does not seek it as its perfect good, which is its ultimate end, it must seek it as tending to that perfect good, since any beginning is ordered to its culmination† (McInerny 200 paragraph 3) can be interpreted to mean that all the things attracting the human will are perceived as being good.He then goes on to say that there is a distinction between the thing sought, which would be the trigger of Hume’s passion, and the reason for seeking it, which would be the available facts leading to the belief that the object is worth being sought. Here is where he can be compared to Hume who says that passions are original existences that cannot conflict with reason, which is based in facts as known by the human.Aquinas also states th at humans can be mistaken about the good in a particular instance of action, but if a person is enlightened that â€Å"not-A rather than A† contributes to their happiness, they â€Å"have the same reason for doing not-A† that they thought they had for doing â€Å"A† (McInerny 201 paragraph 4). He is saying here that whenever the human discovers that something sought for happiness (and thus is thought to be morally good) doesn’t fulfill the requirement, the human then has the same reason now for not seeking that thing anymore, whether it be a particular action or object.This supplements Hume’s theory of the only situations where he thinks passions can be thought of as â€Å"unreasonable†, though said passions would immediately yield to reason when the supposition is perceived to be false (Hume 43 column 2 paragraph 2). Aquinas clarifies this thinking even further when he says an act is not called rational because it’s an act of reason, but because it (the action) can be influenced by reason (McInerny 203 paragraph 1).Unlike many other philosophers, especially the classic ones, Hume disputes the claim that morality is founded on reason. He proposes this isn’t possible since â€Å"reason is the discovery of truth or falsehood†, which is related to ideas and matters of fact (Hume 44 column 1 paragraph 1). Since passions, volitions and actions are original facts and realities which are complete in themselves, and thus cannot reference each other, â€Å"it is impossible [for them to] be either contrary or conformable to reason†.Since our actions, which can be evaluated as being morally laudable or blamable, cannot be produced or prevented by reason, moral judgments cannot be derived from reason. To determine what Hume believes morality is derived from, there is a need to define facts and values, and to see how these fit into the spectrum of his conclusion. Facts are things known and can be describ ed. However, values are subjective feelings about the facts. So there is a huge difference between what each of them refers to.Using these definitions, Hume argues that there are no facts about good/evil and right/wrong. No matter how you may examine a morally wrong action, at no time can you ever find a matter of fact which you call vice. As long as you consider the object itself, you will never find that which is called vice. It is only when you reflect within that you find a â€Å"sentiment of disapprobation, which arises in you, towards this action†. That thing which arises in you is a fact, but it is an object of feeling, not reason (Hume 44 column 1 paragraph 3).Basically, Hume is saying that there is no way to say that an action willed by someone can be called factual, since there is nothing true or false about it, but it is the way someone feels about that action within themselves that gives the action moral value. So it can be seen how Hume concludes moral right/wron g is not deducted from reason, but how one feels about things. And human nature comes equipped with the basic sentiments of sympathy or benevolence toward humankind in general, and this is what leads us in making moral judgments.Hobbes would completely disagree with Hume on his theory that morality is based in sentiment. Just looking at the title of his work tells us that he believes morality is completely based on reason. He believes that humans are inherently selfish creatures and wouldn’t be much more than the lower animals if there was no society. He reasons that humans typically have a natural right to everything, even other humans, if they discern it that thing a means of advancing their own survival.He sees humans as existing in a state of nature where there is only a â€Å"war of everyone against everyone† (Hobbes 5 column 1 paragraph 1) arising from competition, fear and vanity. He posits that in this war, the concepts of right or wrong, justice or injustice, etc. have no place (Hobbes 4 column 1 paragraph 4), and hence there is no morality. However, they need to make peace with each other in an attempt to preserve their own lives. So humans force themselves to make covenants with each other to give up their fundamental right to all things for this security.Justice is derived from these covenants, and one is said to be unjust when they fail to â€Å"perform their covenants made† (Hobbes 5 column 2 paragraph 3). But there is also no trust among humans, since there is no way to be certain that the others will adhere to their agreement, so a further step is taken to establish what is called a commonwealth, in order to provide a â€Å"coercive power† that will â€Å"compel men equally to the performance of their covenants† through the fear of punishment worse than any benefit they get by breaking the covenant.It is through this sequence of occurrences that Hobbes arrives at his natural laws which are summed as â€Å"doi ng to others, as we would be done to you† (Hobbes 6 column 2 paragraph 3) which can be seen as morality. Thus, Hobbes would say instead that morality comes from the formation of covenants and commonwealth, and not sentiment as Hume says. Works Cited Aristotle. â€Å"Nicomachean Ethics† John Arthur and Steven Scalet. Morality and Moral Controversies: Readings in Moral, Social and Political Philosophy.Hobbes, Thomas. â€Å"Leviathan: Morality as Rational Advantage. † John Arthur and Steven Scalet. Morality and Moral Controversies: Readings in Moral, Social and Political Philosophy. Hume, David. â€Å"Morality is Based on Sentiment. † John Arthur and Steven Scalet. Morality and Moral Controversies: Readings in Moral, Social and Political Philosophy. McInerny, Ralph. â€Å"Ethics. † The Cambridge Companion to Aquinas. pages 200-206.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Globalization and its Principal Outcomes Essay

Globalization mainly concentrates on trade and commerce between nations and creates a global market, in which goods and services easily flow from one nation to another, without any barrier. All the countries would equally share the production resources and allow the free movement of resources between them, in the global community. The African countries have always been exporting raw materials like minerals and agricultural produce, which are utilized in the production sector of the Western markets. They do not have any significant production facilities; hence they have to borrow, in order to import manufactured goods. The Western markets employ trade tariffs and other such economic stratagems to drastically reduce the price of these imports from these African nations, while increasing the cost of the exports to these countries. The result is that the African nations suffer from a balance of payments problem (Mutethia, 2000). Globalization has both advantages and disadvantages. Some of its advantages are enhanced productivity, low interest rates and a low rate of global inflation. It not only provides a high level of protection to economies, but it also promotes inequality of income. This has been evident in the developments around the world. There is increased disparity in income and an imposition of protectionist approaches in the developed nations. Globalization eliminates national borders and permits the free flow of services and goods from one nation to another. It provides greater opportunities to developing nations to widen their market area and enter the global market. However, this type of open trade is unsuited to poor nations (Tompkins & Harmelink, 2004. P. 34). Liberalisation is the main component of globalization, and constitutes its first and foremost condition. Advocates of globalization argue that the state’s role must be limited to security and defence. In all other aspects, the state must play a subordinate role. As such, many of the developing nations have autocratic rule, and there is abuse of power and office by government officials. Moreover, these countries do not adopt proper economic management. All these factors contribute to their underdevelopment. Therefore, countries with these characteristics cannot meet the challenges posed by globalization. Thus, liberalisation, in all aspects, is the prerequisite for the success of globalization. However, rapid liberalisation would only cause harm rather than benefit (Africa News, February 18, 2007). According to Stiglitz globalization is a process that is unsuitable for poor nations. It does not promote the stability of the global economy. He also added that the first to fall prey to globalization would be the developing economies. The poor in these nations would become poorer, and the disparity in power across the globe would be perpetuated. The principal financial institutions that engender this process are the IMF and the World Bank. These institutions, characteristically lack transparency in their dealings and they are controlled by the developed world (Ehrlich & Ehrlich, 2004. P. 327). The less developed countries experienced a reduction in the restrictions placed on the financial and trade markets in the beginning of the 1980’s. These changes served to engender greater political freedom in these countries. This extraordinary process of globalization can be assumed to improve the democratic systems of governance (Rudra, Oct, 2005). Developing countries suffer from the unequal power distribution brought about by globalization. At present the world is experiencing a number of adverse effects due to globalization. These effects are not limited to the developing and poor nations; and they are also being experienced by most of the developed nations. That is the power of globalization (Kaur, October 12, 2007 ; Pg. 25 ). At present, these nations are experiencing the adverse effects of globalization. Under the globalization policy, there should not be any restrictions on free trade. However, in practice this policy is not followed by many nations. For instance, African agricultural produce is subjected to severe restrictions in the western markets. The latter impose heavy tariffs on the African produce in order to protect their own industries within their nations. These are protectionist pressures, created by globalization. Therefore, globalization has failed to ensure the free movement of goods and fair competition (Africa News, February 18, 2007). A significant number of people continue to argue that globalization ushers in negative outcomes for the world. Its effect has been to render the rich richer and the poor poorer. It is the claim of economists that globalization brings about more benefits for all. However, the poor are neglected in this process, as they could not get a fair share of the profits generated by globalization. It is important to note that social security and other governmental policies could be instrumental in reversing the negative outcomes of globalization, and eliminate inequality and poverty in the developing nations. Some of the other tools that promote a fairer system of cooperation are fair trade and patent laws (Sen, April 27, 2007, Pg. 14). The chief objective of globalization is to implement a world order that benefits the capitalists. It is naive to assume that globalization is nothing more than an increase in worldwide mutual interlinking, brought about by technological change and market forces. A number of countries of the world have been afflicted with financial crises, which have served to highlight the ills of globalization. List of References Africa News.(February 18, 2007). Rwanda; Is Globalisation Another Form of Imperialism? The New Times . Ehrlich, P. R. , & Ehrlich, A. H. (2004. P. 327). One with Nineveh. Island Press. Kaur, H. (October 12, 2007 ; Pg. 25 ). The rich, too, begin to feel globalisation pinch. New Straits Times (Malaysia) . Mutethia, J. (2000, August 15). Africa and Globalization. Retrieved October 21, 2008, from Global Policy Forum: http://www. globalpolicy. org/socecon/develop/africa/glob. htm Rudra, N. (Oct, 2005). Globalization and the Strengthening of Democracy in the Developing

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Management Information Systems Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management Information Systems - Article Example For the establishment of the online business, we can purchase the land and establish a shop or mall for the business and deal with physical world products. Through deep assessment of overall online network, I have decided to sell online multimedia products. Our business will deal with physical multimedia products. In this scenario, we will plan to establish the terms of the online payment details. This will ensure that online user will perform the transaction in a better way. The website of eBay offers the Second Life Land 4096 Sq Met, 937 prim, Beachfront for the auction. Here we also find the books and multimedia for the sale and auction. This offers a great opportunity for the online dealing and business on the sponsor website. Second life offers a great opportunity for the online users to have the sense of the real world existence. The online social networks such as YouTube, MySpace, and Amazon offer the better opportunity for sharing the knowledge, news, videos, and for carrying out the business activities. However, there is no feeling of real world. The business and community on the Second-Life offer a feel of the real world dealing and online interaction. Therefore we can expect that the future of the Second-Life is really bright and hope that this online business and community platform will offer a great opportunity for enhancement and market domination. There are lots of different obstacles in the way of the Second-Life. These can be related to the online marketing and operations. The business and community of the Second-Life need to be more attracted to the other market businesses because a lot of different big business such as Toyota has established its online shops but still it is not operational. This happens due to less market coverage and marketing opportunities. Here Second-Life needs to attract more people regarding the enhanced experience of the new Physical World experience on the web.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Discussion of 2 poems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion of 2 poems - Essay Example One of the bold statements made about fame in a negative manner is that of the poet Emily Dickenson. She uses metaphor to liken fame to a bee. It is known that a bee can be deadly and that is how the poet wants to paint what this most sought status really is. She implies that behind the good things that people see in fame, things are not always as they seem. Therefore, she uses figurative speech to catch the attention of her audience. Dickenson’s â€Å"Fame is a Bee† is a very short poem but it says a lot of things. The author effectively expressed her thoughts with four lines only by using simple but meaningful words. The analogy therefore is not difficult to understand rather could be easily seen by any observant. It does not even need keen observation in order for a person to be able to associate the characteristics of a bee to fame because it is explicitly mentioned to make things clearly and easily understood by readers. On the other hand, Edna St. Vincent Millay talks about love in her poem â€Å"Love is Not All†. Similarly, she speaks about the unfavorable side of love. For many people, when love is mentioned, they would think about passion and all the good feelings love brings. People easily create a positive attitude toward the subject matter because they associate it with the satisfaction derived from relationships formed through what is known as love. Nevertheless, Millay presents it differently. She draws the attention of her readers to the other side of the coin. She also uses metaphor to express her thoughts. However, unlike Dickenson, Millay uses negation to show her point. On the seventh line, Millay shifts her tone to a more serious one, mentioning death which could not have been expected at all when love is to be mentioned. The poet tries to draw her reader’s attention to the fact that behind every good thing, there is something that is not desirable yet every individual has to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Commercial Passenger Airline Service Industry Research Paper

Commercial Passenger Airline Service Industry - Research Paper Example Most of the small aircrafts offer exclusively business classes thereby carrying only a few people who are willing to pay a higher charge for the high quality services (Cento 11). Apparently, the demand and supply of the airline services is dependent on a number of factors. Some of these factors are positive attributes which boost the industry to become more competitive as opposed to other modes of travel. The negative factors affect the profitability index of the airlines as they record low revenue from reduced. FACTORS AFFECTING DEMAND OF AIRLINE SERVICES The airline industry goes through turbulent times while in other seasons, the business sprouts. This is due to a number of factors that affects the demand for the services of the airline industry. Some of these factors are controlled by the industry while others are not easily controlled by the industry (Shaw 34). For example, some natural factors that affect the demand for the services of the airline industry are not easily contro lled by the airline industry. Therefore, it is in the best interests of the airline industry to make sure these factors are not adversely affecting the demand for the services. The first factor that affects the airline industry is political stability. The politics in different places of the world are dependent on the political environment. Politics is an aspect that affects virtually every service and production industry (Fojt 22). This is due to the political orderliness that comes when the political environment is stable. When the political environment is stable, there is perfect supply and demand for services and products in the market. This is the same approach that is used in the airline industry. Many people would like to travel when the political environment is calm. For example, when there is political tension in a particular country, many people fear for their lives. As such they are not likely to travel to such places. This will affect the airline industry as it will strug gle with a low demand for its services (Ben-Yosef 23). Apparently, many people are not likely to travel when there is political instability in a country. In some instances, many people would prefer to postpone their vacations when there is political instability in an area. This will have direct and dire effects on the airline industry since there will be a low demand for the services and products of the airline companies (Cento 7). However, when there is political stability in most places where the industry operates, there are many people that feel the urge to travel. This will ultimately increase the demand for the services of the airline industry. Security is one factor that affects the demand for many services and products in the world. Security is an ultimate factor that affects their demand and supply for services. For example, when there is insecurity in an area, the demand and supply of services and products will be halted. In some instances, there is a curfew due to security reasons. As such, business operations are limited to the stated times. This is the same scenario that happens in the case of demand for airline services. Many people prefer secure places when they are traveling. As such, they will only consider traveling when there is steadfast security. Though airline industry tries to limit cases of insecurity, some instances are not controllable. For example, when there were terror attacks in September 11th, many people felt that the security

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Children's Literature - instruction through delight Essay

Children's Literature - instruction through delight - Essay Example And hope that they’d tell their parents†¦which is what happened† (In Beckett, 2008:118). Interestingly, in the UK, Northern Lights was marketed for children however it was marketed for both adult and child markets in the US. It was only when the book received outstanding reviews in the US that it attracted adult readership in the UK. As a result â€Å"many critics feel that Pullman’s work can lay better claim to the crossover label because it is much more sophisticated, complex and multi-layered† (Beckett, 2008:117). Moreover, in considering the crossover phenomenon, a British journalist in 1999 commented that â€Å"the real barrier to overcome is not one of the possibilities of the genre but the judges reluctance to value something that could also be valued by a child, believing that if a child could like it, it must be childish for an adult to like it† (In Beckett: 2008:118). To this end, Pullman’s books clearly challenged orthodox attitudes towards children and adult fiction and further forced the literary establishment to acknowledge that â€Å"books published for children are literary works worthy of attention of adults† (In Beckett, 2008:119). However, in turn, this changing shape of children’s literature has fuelled academic debate as to whether Pullman’s dystopian work can correctly be viewed as a children’s book as it confounds the archetypal format of children’s literature that focus on fairytales, utopian ideals and happy endings (Silvey, 2002: 341). Appurtenant to this debate is the contention as to whether the growing phenomenon of such crossover fiction is anti-educational as a result of the instruction through delight paradigm. The focus of this paper is to critically evaluate this debate with contextual reference to Pullman’s â€Å"Northern Lights†, which is the first book in the Dark Materials Trilogy. It is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Krohn et al. (2011). The Cascading Effects of Adolescent Gang Research Paper

Krohn et al. (2011). The Cascading Effects of Adolescent Gang Incolvement across the Life Course - Research Paper Example What is specifically meant by adult life chances is a satisfactory family life and economic well-being at the age ranging from late 20s to early 30s. And what is meant by adult criminal behavior is persistent criminal behavior at the age of 31. What concept represents the independent variable(s) in this article and what is the conceptual definition of this concept discussed by the authors? The independent variable in this study is gang involvement in adolescence. Gang involvement is defined as a self report of being a member of any street gang or â€Å"posse† between the age of 14 to 31 and the level of gang involvement is measured in terms of the number of waves in which a particular individual was involved with a gang between the age of 14 to 31. What concept represents the dependent variable(s) in this article and what is the conceptual definition of this concept discussed by the authors? The dependent variables in this study are precocious transitions, economic hardship, f amily problems, street crime and arrest. The concept of precocious transitions is defined as to include any, some, or all of the behaviors- early nest leaving (no longer resides with parents by wave 9), dropping out from high school prior to graduation (not graduated by wave 10), cohabitation (not married yet living with a partner when the individual is between 20 and 22 years of age) and teenage parenthood (had a child before the age of 20). Economic hardship is defined as to include unemployment (at 29 years of age) and income pattern (at 29 years of age). The concept of family problems is defined as to include scores corresponding to arguing, lose tempers, and physical fights at wave 13. The concept of street crime relates to the individual scores corresponding to being involved at the age of 31, in any of the 13 different street crimes listed. The concept of arrest is defined as self-reported arrest during 13th or 14th wave. What are the null and research hypotheses related to t his research question? The null hypothesis for this study is that there is no relationship between gang involvement in adolescence and life chances and criminal behavior in adulthood. The research hypothesis is that it is involvement in a gang that impacts an individual male’s life chances and eventually leads to criminal behavior as he matures into adulthood. Sample, Research Design and Data Collection Describe the sample (who or what was used and how they were selected) used in this study. The sample used in this study was the data from Rochester Youth Development Study which was a multi-wave panel study on how delinquency and drug use developed among the youth. This (RYDS) study had collected 14 waves of data from 1000 adolescents as they grew from 14 to 31 years of age and the study by Krohn et al (2011) has used the same data by way of a longitudinal analysis of data gathered from males alone which was not done by the original study. What type of research design did the authors use in this study and how was it structured? The research design was based on the structural equation model that allows to have an approximate measurement of cause-effect relationships, all the same leaving enough space for taking into account the estimation error. The design was structured so as to measure both the observed and latent variables. The two-step process involved

Monday, September 23, 2019

Events studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Events studies - Essay Example Yet, it is clear that the use of social media in the events industry results to immense benefits in advertising and efficient communication to the target customers. This research paper gives a detailed analysis of the use of social media in the events industry by looking into various studies that have been conducted across the globe. A recent study that was done by the Sheraton Hotels and Resorts revealed that most people consider social media to be an imperative aspect in their lives that they cannot do without. The same survey found an interesting fact that people are never truthful on what the post on various social media sited. This shows that there a clear line between members of the public and event companies who rely on social media to get honest feedback from their customers (Safko, 2010:15). Besides the simulated reality of social media, events bring individuals together. This is the most important duty that is performed by events professionals. The events industry is highly mobile and social and perfectly suited for various for the transformation that has taken place since the inception of Web 2. 0. Additionally, the second generation social media tools have resulted to the establishment of a better platform for promoting, communicating, collaborating and planning events. It is important to note that Web 2.0 paved the way for the social media applications that are present in the current times (Bruns, 2010:310). In spite of the fact that impact of the use of social media tools has not been fully understood, most event companies use the various social media tools. It is clear that the use of social media tools has increased in the current times. Various social media tools are used for online ticket as well as advertising. Findings from an online survey that was conducted on 1000 event organisers and promoters from various parts of the world including South America, Austria, North America, Switzerland and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Allen Ginsberg Essay Example for Free

Allen Ginsberg Essay Allen Ginsberg was born into social confusion. He was jewish, gay, and his mother was a communist. Yet outside of this, he was also birthed within a generation that wallowed in chaos, both morally and emotionally. Before them had come the Industrial Revolution, which had begun the murder of unity or wholeness in American society; assembly lines and the breakdown of the workplace into distinct and separable parts had fragmented both the individual and the family. Yet it was the bomb that truly brought the deafening crush on American psycha, minimalizing mechanical wonders and becoming the first true human leap in the intelligent understanding of how to control and shape the environment (Henrikson xi). However, to Ginsberg and others, nothing was closer to the anti thesis of the concept of human. Their parents had numbed themselves in order to adapt to the depression and two world wars, forcing them to rationalize the reality of post-war America with apathy and materialism and the empty values of consumerism. Ginsberg refused to believe this was the way of the world and began to write about a new generation who had placed new definitions in place of old notions that no longer applied. He and other writers began a To Allen Ginsberg, the problem was that in society the existence of the individual in isolation was naturally more real than society in general, as collective society has an awesome control over people that transcends their individual wills. (Merril 3) The bomb then was a symbol of this control, essentially bounding people to a future under fear, under which they would strip themselves of their purely human emotions in order to cope with the day. In a world where mainstream television told you how to be and Mcarthyism told you what not to be, Ginsberg believed the individuals only answer was only looking inwards oneself where they couldnt reach through the boundaries of externals (Wooley). His age would be on a spiritual quest, but to embark on it they would need a new religion for a new day; modern religion could no longer do as good and evil and evil seemed increasingly inadequate in a world of science fiction turned fact (Ziegler 172). The beat therefore found their religion in Zen Buddhism for one central reason: both sides of good and evil were embraced in oneness for the individual in the meditation where spontaneous flashes of images and sights might come ( Merill 7). In this religion, nothing the human being was impulsed to perform could be wrong as what was right was instinctual and natural. To sustain their humanity in a world gone mad, man had to embrace every emotion he felt as exploiting these feelings..[led them] to new levels of truth (Merill 2). This was the concept of the ying and the yang ; taking on all forces no matter how panicked or manic in coherence with nature. It is in this particular religious ideology and other forms of explicit verbal attacks that characterize Ginsbergs first acknowledged work, Howl. The content of the book leaves no mystery to why it became so controversial; Ginsberg refuses to deny any schema of thought, most noticeably in the sexuality department. If had he had censored these thoughts, it would have equated to admitting that sexual behavior was unhealthy and unnatural; this expression [was] the denial of shame itself and represented the embrace of his full humanity (Merill 2). But to truly understand the work, one has to imagine themselves in the context of the Six Gallery group of San Francisco poets it was performed before, as its recitation was the first of many performances that would eventually make Ginsberg largely responsibible for the movement of the poet from the printed page to the reading halls (Schumaker 635). One must imagine the situation , because it is in the visual that one can get the feeling of it , of the beat of the music, of the beat of the scene, of the swelling chests and rising spirits of culture [surviving] despite the presence of an oppressive national political environment (Schumaker 214). The mood can only be fully set if the voice of Ginsberg is imagined in a somewhat nervous tone, unsure of the response he will garner as he exalts the individual and their inherent potential for goodness outside of the society , saying Holy! The soul is holy! The skin is holy! The tongue and cock and hand and asshole holy! Everything is holy! The boos, hisses,[claps] of the crowd must be invoked upon the introduction the deity of death known as Moloch who is a direct contrast to the pure human existence (Schumaker 217) The nervousness and dread should be present alongside his description: Mind [of] pure machinery..whose blood is running money..whose fingers are ten armies..whose ear is a smoking tomb.demonic industries!!..granite cocks!!monstrous bombs! Moloch is responsible for taking away the instincts of the people that would bring them happiness as he bashed open their skulls and ate up their brains and imagination (Henrikson #). Yet among this distinction of conflict, the presentation of unity and aforementioned one-ness of Zen can be seen in Ginsbergs portrayal of optimistic youth and its convergence with drugs and various arrays of emotions. Words are infused with the surge of the crowd as there are the angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the night, similar to a lost battalion of platonic conversationalists windowsills off Empire State, and equal to those who vanished into nowhere Zen New Jersey [loning it] through the streets of Idaho seeking visionary Indian angels. These descriptions exalt the individual who absorbs his uncertainty and doubt and lets it take him anywhere in his hunt for spirituality, in an ethereal surreal showing of human purity described in a gritty confessional style latent with acid tripped tongues between lips and roses on the ends of declarations. They also know no form, as Ginsberg says each is a breath, a flurry of emotion representative the human exhaling against conventional society and its brutal and constraining tendencies as represented through Moloch (Merill 23) Ginsberg essentially takes the amalgamation of drugs, obscenity, explicit sexual imagery and hysterical/naked tendencies of his people and compares them to the oblique characteristics of Moloch and the boys sobbing in armies by his side, massive like red revolution but subverted to a nationalistic mantra, cut like concrete on warm warring flesh wishing they could feel like the battleground if it had a heartbeat with organs cut away at three crosses to cele brate the mythic religion when Jesus the baby birthed in love consideration and carnal compassion was felt by his mother; of the two, the blatant and overt obscenities of the steel machine were much more Frankenstein-esque in offensiveness and horror than the words of the skin, of frantic nude protests laced like bluesy Saturday night agony tunes. To bring America to this reality, Ginsberg uses the painful recognition of seeing the best minds of his time ..destroyed by madness, emblematic of his lover Carl Solomon being institutionalized after suffering from the noxious consumerist tones of nuclear America (Schumaker 208). Taking all of madness in within himself, the poet summarizes his response to all of this with the single line FUCK AMERICA AND ATOM BOMB. It is symbolic of his overall explicit nature in protest, such as his later poetry which boasted of cocksucking in front of French cathedrals and standing out in aristocratic French scenes penning Death to Van Ghohs Ear (Campbell NUMBER). Ginsberg not only felt this came naturally but felt it was as the new necessity. America needed to be shocked in order to be allured to these works or poetry, which went deeper than blatant sexuality; emotion energy sex love mysticism were all on the same plane of internal mental thought. Avant garde display was now the means to the end of snapping sensually the industrialized human machine, over-fixated on temporary addiction to a set of materialistic values that came with carnage caved in at the ends of seventeen year old love letters where the blood started to run in the rain and the words and signatures were incomprehensible but the dog tags shined like Sunday morning breakfasts baked in sweet bread and kisses from Grandpa Cookie. It was this unconventional fragmented style of verse that caused mothers to cry when kids read about freedom and a world not burgeoning with the moral and physical suicides of a thousand possibilities in a nuclear haze. Theyd imagine such lines would be a threat to a child, who might become like Dylan acid trip epics with Quinny dosing and skys opening for brief seconds where you can taste and feel it, the thing that makes us mad and burn burn burn with hope at the edge of tongues (Dylan)(Kerouac ). Folk heroes proclaimed that children would become beyond their command, the command of authority figures etched in the physical and moral apathy of the bomb. People were listening. With Howl, Ginsberg set down a formula for later protest songs from the likes of Joan Baez :the obscenities of the state should be followed by the uncontrollable and instinctual emotional reactions of the individual. Such muses from the heart and mind about the existence of the new sort of rain coming down and the boy who disappeared in it could be easily invoked in the depths of the subconscious stalled in meditation. As poet Michael Mcclure said after Howls first recitation, none of us wanted to go back to the gray, chill, militaristic silence-to the land without poetry-to the spiritual drabness (Schumaker 215). The apoclypic visions of Ginsbergs The Fall of America and the America that LOOKED FROM ITS GRAVEwere all that lay behind, seen in the influence of Dylan when he too speaks about the end. Blowin in the Wind used lines like How many years can a mountain exist before its washed to the sea while The times are a changin' versed conclusions like Admit that the waters around you have grown and accepit it that soon youll be drenched to the bone. Ginsberg and the beat were aware of this point of no return, a mad run from the end that could come at any time (Schumaker 215) They were asking for the desperation, for the land in front of the setting sun was the only direction they needed to go However, the land had heavy industry walls of red white and blue to block the spread of this so called disease of internal and moral freedom. These obstacles had mouths running with blood crossed with eyes of pristine clandestine censorship to protect the impressionable youth of the next generation from being swallowed by hysterics, as it needed their limbs to fight the great world wars in the bowels of death and destruction that reigned with every passing sunset in the East and in the West. This hypocrisy was essentially what brought Ginsberg into full fledged politics, while others like Kerouac drew the line at the beat representing only self sufficiency and freedom from moral interference (Schumaker 180). Much of this can be due to the inherent political struggles he found in getting his work into the public sphere. When Howl was about to be released for the second time, they arrested a counter assistant at City lights for peddling literature likely to corrupt juveniles, and also arrested Ferlinghetti for publishing it. (Campbell193). Ginsberg therefore was one of the first writers to be constantly backed by the ACLU in open showdowns against what was and was not obscene, not only during Howl but later in the group publication of the drugged up Big Table # 1 (Schumaker 255 , 317). To Ginsberg, this might have been a sign of the government trying to quell the influence of writing that would inflame the masses, similar to the repression of the ideas of the Burgeois revolution through strong state centers in the aristocratic France of the 19th century. But what was more was that the prophetic frenetic man saw lunacy in the fact that the artist was releasing pure human instincts in his musing, feelings which although pure, had to be recited in bland grave like versions such as the censored is holy! (Schumaker 254). His work Kaddish, a trying poem about the death of his mother, was an explanation of this affront . Listening to Ray Charles blues shout blind on the phonograph , Ginsberg praises the ability of Charles to withstand uncontrollable agony by keeping within the limits of structured rhthm. Replacing censored with skin in Howl severely hampered the rhthm of the piece, as missing one part of a language of heartbeats and paranoia encased in syllables was like losing a leg in the moral internal marathon; such a gaping wound could lead to a loss of the entire feeling of the poem. Without the unity, the one-ness, the recited work could not produce the same flash of imagery and light that had occurred, similar to Kerouacs sight of a woman that reminds him of his mother; frozen with ecstasy on the sidewalk..a complete step across chronological time into timeless shadows (Kerouac 172). These estatic moments were what made the spiritual search worthwhile and kids of the mystical mad crazed road hoped that when their moment came, all of these previous moments of light would converge. POPULUSIST ADD HERE Now forceably emersed in the political scene, Ginsberg delved further into politics with his war against the byproducts of age of hate that could not be vanquished with napalm. Particular awareness should be given to his use of blatant contrast to evoke irrepressible feeling. In Plutonian Ode, he draws a parallel between the mythological Pluto and the destructive power of the element that received its name from the God. (Schumaker 629). Lines such as I dare your Reality..I turn the wheel of Mind on your three hundred tons.. My oratory advances on your vaulted mystery are the polar anti-thesies of the beauty of the sparrows waked whistling through marine Streets summer green leafed trees. Protesting such atrocities of nature by nature by meditating on train tracks bound to deliver nuclear material, the recitation of Plutonium Ode would be needed inas his defense, adding parts to it spontaneously like breathing silent Prisoners, witnesses, Police- the stenographer yawns into her palms Sunflower Sutra is very much the same, written he was traveling with Kerouac and viewed a sunflower which was being afflicted with the waste that came as trains passed, its wheels unaware of the indignity it offered the poor flower (Schumaker 632). The subsequent contrast he painted was versed in the lines were not our skin of grime, were not a dread black dusty imageless locomotive, were all beautiful golden sunflowers. In this description, Ginsberg felt like he was taking up the whitemanesque celebration of becoming America through telling a lucid moment which could apply to a majority of Americans. Dylan picked this up better than anyone, evident in his verses describing a young child beside a dead pony and thewhite man who walked a black dog in The Times.. Even keener contrast appears when he muses I change my no pets allowed sign to a home sweet home sign and wonder why I havent any friends (Dylan) This social conscious and use of contrast gave the poet singer the whitmanesqueI am America perspective where he could speak for men who werent even of his own color. Hurricane was the epitome of this, Sunflower Sutra Voice represents the spirits, if not actual experiences, of his readers. It occurs to me I am America 219 even though un American whitmanesque celebration of self gone to seed and suffering the indignity of the discarded refuse they came upon an old, battered sunflower, grimy from the passing trains were not our skin of grime, were not a dread bleak dusty imageless locomotive, were all beautiful golden sunflowers Ginsberg had given the ideology of protest in Howl with natural offense against the grisly gashed abuses of the state covered in gauze and dead presidents. He had experienced the machinations of the war nation as nymphetic Greek realities which varied in degrees of apocalyptic reckoning undergone in hazy highs under hallowed homages hallucinating of American populistic deities of Whitman-esque form invoked under the beauty of the common land . However, it was Jack Kerouac and On The Road who exposed suburban insanity on the edge of skinless pointless existences and the consequent worshipping of the road that took one away from those invisible developments and commuter fathers. It follows the base set by Ginsberg, as its focal character Sal Paradise set off through America as he had this feeling that everything was dead. (Kerouac 2) In addition, Zen and its absorption of uncertainty and an array of unexplainable feelings appear throughout the book. But like Ginsberg, Kerouac implies that these adjectives can only be positive. The insanity that comes from living on the road is a saving prescence, and the more Sal embraces it with his road mate Dean Moriarity the more the spirit [is uplifited] with its access to the wonderment and wildness of life (Henrikson 176). In contrast, a return to Times Square reveals a people that are grabbing, taking,giving,sighting,dying, reflective of the futility of American behavior during the American time, as the heart was traded over in exchange for monotonous complacency with steel hands and sultry scents of capitalisms carnival. To react to such a scene of such pre-planned monotony, Kerouac wrote in a style known as spontaneous prose which entailed descriptions of long line. It was based on images that were observed and the subsequent recording of sounds and emotions related to that moment, all unleashed in the spirit of a honest confessional that acknowledged every thought without censor, in the vein of Ginsberg and Howl. A perfect example is seen in Dylans novel Tarantula, in the lines jack of spades vivaldi of the coin laundry wearing a hipsters dictionary and it is 5:31-the rain sounds like a pencil sharpener (Dylan).Each line epitomized the crazed memory of the sounds of be-bop and jazz like a man blowing a phrase on his saxophone till he runs out of breath , and would be without consciousness, flowing with images until final revelation of exhaustion brought an end (Merill 45). The energy that is given off by each soul-seeking line therefore seems like enough to hold back the worlds onrushing moral and human decay (Henrikson 176). Alliteration was a staple of Kerouac, and many credit him with its creation and see it reflected in Dylans A Hard Rains A-Gonan Fall, although the instinct to put words together like a black branch with blood ,seven sad forests and a dozen dead oceans seems like a natural inherent impulse in litearature. ( However, like the nature of the verse, sustaining such a crazed personally analytical lifestyle requires the dedication to constant moving, embodied in the way Kerouac would shout Go! when Allen would read his poetry (Schumaker 215). With pauses in life or writing, there would be a pause in the search for spirituality of it, or as Dean says, the journey to the magic land at the end of the road (Kerouac NUMBER). This is all reflected in the last chapters at the end of the road in Mexico revealing the hauting images of shawled Indians watching us from under hatbrims and rebozos who didnt know that a bomb had come that could crack all our bridges (Kerouac number The road had come to an end for now and therefore the reality of life was in that image stark naked Indian old mystic land, rooted in the emptiness of mans new capabilities over the days where mystics howled at the skies dancing with red faced gods Fundamental Paradox of Buddhsm All experience is essentially emptiness; that purity and absence are one. (Foster 62). To collaborate on this political and literary endeavor, the icon of Bob Dylan entered Ginsbergs life, a man who had already been heavily influenced by the Beat. The folk hero had the world revealed to him during Howl, but this latent influence was only spawned to action when Dylan first read Kerouacs Mexico City Blues. The long line outpouring of feeling based on flashing images and spontaneous events caused Dylan to drop out of school as it was the first poetry that really spoke to [him] in a natural purely Earthly sense. CITATION The musician saw this same spontaneity in Ginsberg when he viewed his improvisational poetry, which was like working without a net and releasing the crazed random feelings he felt from the public and the atmosphere in words (Schumaker 555) . Dylan was enthralled by the process, one that he had obviously attempted in order to assume a rough-edged, made up on the spot feeling on his albums. (Schumaker 555) the next months Eventually, beat politics came to the same point which had threatened Aunt Molly Jackson and the coal miners; un-American ideas were associated with red. Beatnik was a play of words off of the disloyal notion of the RussianSputnik, while the beat generation film by MGM boasted of a rapist on the run for a main character (Schumaker 6. Even worse was a ploy off of was a play Being out there and unloyal to America, Beatnik was a ploy off of the Russian wonder Sputnik. Even worse was the false consciousness of hip which plagued Kerouac the more he heard words like crazy and wigged in scenes as if people thought the repetition of them could bring out the burning burning burning (Campbell 246). Vexner said the culture of dissent was a hot commodity, as if the Beat were selling the idea of sex and anarchy to a world that was starving for it. CITATION Like Mike Seeger and the Lost City Ramblers, Kerouac and the beat needed to re-examine their roots and tried to analyze what and who it meant to be beat, ignoring all mutated concepts of the beatnik and its subverted image. However, Kerouac one day hated them colllectively, but switched his position come next morn, where he was confessing he loved them only to come to the conclusion when asked again that he was becoming paranoid (Campbell 250). Yet in this critique of themselves the Beat forgot to analyze a few elements that had made their image easy to exploit. The first is that when they were called to moan for man, few realized the energy it took to keep up such a lifestyle. The fact that they pose no answers to an incalcitrent society outside of this bewailing of emptiness and internal discovery made their journey a disjointed and dismembered one; the beats endless internal revolution during crazed trips in On the Road only lead back to conformist society with the realization of the death of America in the haunting mystic Indian scene Dean and Sal experience. circular. All of the hope of the convergence of all of those aforementioned estatic moment where everything rushed forward was cut off slashed at the knees like Vietnam massacres upon the lack of the realization of it. Depending again on these personal distortions to lead them back to estatic moments, the Beat almost relied too much on the self. Their feeling that their prose was a superior form of nature really did spark a level of narcissim that reflected poorly. Kerouacs mantra became youre always genious, proclaiming lofty phrases such as Once God moves the hand, to move back and revise is a sin (Schumaker 261). What he had forgotten was that PURITY YADDA, and that eventually the emphasis on him just swallowed the man in the desperation for drink in Satori and his search for a relative (literally any relative) demonstrated the demise of the man that constantly depended on the hysterics of the situation (Merill 77). Ginsberg on the other hand had tendencies to create poetry where everything would be contained in the vertical figure I which would lead to statements such as I want to be known as the most brilliant man in America. 261, 262 The fragmented style of poetry that bordered on apocalyptic knowledge was just too much for some, even too much for Ginsberg himself who was tired of being Allen Ginsberg (Campbell 192). Many who could not connect with this age or this feeling wondered what gave these men the right to proclaim themselves as phrophets or holy maniacs when all they did was speak in a version of English that they thought was superior in its absence of the comma. Few realized that the backlash against grammar was due to the fact that the period destroyed the delicate rhythm of works like Kaddish , which would cause one to spiral back to the boundless agony that the perfect balance of poetry embraced. Like Dylan says , some were like D.A.R woman [who] flies off the handle. looks at jack. says in some places youd be arrested for obscenity she doesnt een hear the band..she falls down a sidewalk crack (Dylan ) If one couldnt embrace the beat of the scene, the crazy wigged out mantra which dictated the path of the man, then theyd never know. Theyd point out the beards and the bodies spread across mattresses on each other and the heroin needles and the staircase of marijuana smoke that suppose dly led these gloats to higher realization. In Dylans movie Renaldo and Clara, Ginsberg is representative of the father and Dylan the son. It is a relationship of giving and taking between the folk hero and the beat, a representation of what Ginsberg and Kerouac did for Americana. brought Dylan took in the outpouring of words and feeling and exposure of the full heart that caused him to quit school in a spontaneous moment. He acquired Kerouacs class consciousness GO BACK and the love for the capture of gawky awkward beauty of the individual eccentric citizen like Dean Moriarity in words and in American travels, reflected in words such as the the motorcycle black Madonna two-wheeled gypsy queen and her silver studded phantom lover he writes about. The protest inherent in Howl is taken into his soul, alongside the absorbtion and reflection of various unexplainable feelings in an unexplainable time. However, he essentially adds an extension to the beat movement, removing the aspects of the beat that confused many parts of society who were still too numbed to come to grips with these bearded men. Songs like Blowin in the Wind took Ginsbergs art of contrast and brought it full circle; these protest songs leaned more towards the finding of the ultimate answer. Other pieces like Hurricane evoke images from NAME DO THIS SHIT TOMORROW. However, Dylan sounds more like every man in Hurricane , like the every voice of Peter Paul and Mary, because of his humbleness and reluctance to put himself above the common man, something the beat had trouble doing feeling they had divine potential to change the face of thinking in itself. In every sense Dylan is the beat, from his wild descriptions of jazz and hitch hiking in his novel Tarantula to his manic performances thriving off of the emotions of the environment to his celebration of drugs sex and wild wanderings of youth. The spot where Dylan and Kerouac left off, frenzied and genius and incomprehensible to those who could not get it, was the place Dylan took up. The spoken word long line tradition and ithat Ginsberg could only cross halfway across the gap was bridged by Dylan, with memories of Kerouacs inspiring prose driving him. The Zen of it all , of all the nuclear protest, all the civil liberty, all the cries for a sympathetic America become one with the combination of these three. Their memory is like a burning mystic sign that has no form, only emotion, bright enough to reinvigprate the young masses in every generation to the crazed motion and the crazed search and the frenetic fraticness of the freedom of sensuality with the keenness and sharpness of political reality like a goddamn shard that cuts us at the arm just to prove we still bleed . As long as it burns, the land will breath even under the lack of life in the H-bomb oxygen starved skinny era. As long as it burns, the hills will rise and fall with the pure schitzophrenic sanity of the wind, an echo that just whispers search on the end of our hope stricken ears against the fear ridden nuclear wet dreams of bodies sexed and eyes hallucinating vexed and the fallout of a demoralized Patriot and its Acts of jingoistic nuclear tendencies. When Dylan said Ginsberg needed to get out on the open road of the tour to wake up America, he meant that he wanted his spirit to ride through the skeletal suburbs warning the kids of the inhumanity and callousness stalking the land. I hear his voice and and see their protest so well, like Blood writ in Blood, haunting my daytime dreams with hazy invocations of what we truly can be. Knowing that there is a generation who also feels the same burning in the center of the heart gives me strands of hope that somehow we can overcome the same inhumanity in this age of faceless terrorism that shows no distinction between America and the West. With a t ear off the edge of the holy cheek, emblematic of the disunity of our feelings, these men push through our insides to assure us these expressions are what will take us whole. POPULUSIST EDGE OF FOLK TATPRETTY FLOWER POETRY Works Cited Campbell, James. This Is The Beat Generation London : Secker and Warburg, 1999. Henrikson, Margot A. Dr. Strangeloves America Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1997. Merill, Thomas F. Allen Ginsberg Boston : Twayne Publishers, 1998. Schumaker, Michael. Dharma Lion New York : St. Martins Press, 1992. All enamoured with some aspects of the drug culture , labeled as family haters and communist hippies and , the movement began to waver at the end parallel with a lot of the demise of rock stars when coming under controversy and assault by mainstream America. Kerouac became a drunk high off his own lines and Ginsberg moved onto relatively less successful social scenes in rock and roll and the clash.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

1984 Skeleton Outline Essay Example for Free

1984 Skeleton Outline Essay â€Å"I used to think that cyberspace was fifty years away. What I thought was fifty years away, was only ten years away. And what I thought was ten years away it was already here. I just wasnt aware of it yet†. Bruce Sterling (www. brainyquote. com) Technology has helped society achieve great strides in the world today. It has helped us to walk on the moon and find cures for certain cancers. However, technology can also have horrible and devastating effects. This is best illustrated in Orwell’s novel, 1984. Orwell’s novel has been adapted by Michael Radford who captured Orwell’s technologically inclined society through a visual medium. See more: Social process essay Radford’s film portrayed Orwell’s idea of 1984 more effectively. This will be proven through examination of additions and deletions of scenes, cinematography, and casting. Radford’s additions and deletions leave the audience questioning his choice. At the end of the film Radford leaves the audience with unanswered questions, whereas in the novel, Orwell had clear visual clues the answered the questions. â€Å"But it was all right, everything was all right the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother. (Orwell 311) An affective addition Radford included in his 1984, was towards the end of the film, Julia and Winston were planned to meet up with each other. In the novel, they had not planned to meet and just so happened that they bumped into each other. â€Å"Actually, it was by chance that they had met. It was in the Park, on a vile, biting day in March, when the earth was like iron and all the grass seemed dead and there was not a bud anywhere except a few crocuses which had pushed themselves up to be dismembered by the wind. He was hurrying along with frozen hands and watering eyes when he saw her not ten metres away from him. It struck him at once that she had changed in some ill-defined way. † (IBID 304) Make sure that you state why this quote is significant in proving that Radford was better at depicting Orwell’s vision. In the novel when Winston goes to meet O’Brien to get the Newspeak dictionary Julia was there with him. In the film when Winston goes to meet O’Brien to get the Newspeak dictionary Julia was not there, Radford has this addition included to emphasize how much Julia did not care about the Party. Radford`s interpretation of 1984 of additions and deletions was very affective. Radford’s use of cinematography was well done based on Orwell’s vision. With the help of color or if you look at it another way, a lack of colour, the film was meant to be shot in a dull and dreary setting. Radford was able to get across to the viewers, the sense of depression. * (put a quote in here of anything that describes any way that they dress or any of the colors that are described in the novel) Consider the opening couple of paragraphs. You could also talk about the scene in the film where his mother died and compare that to another scene to show how times have changed. Radford used bland and mechanized colors such as grey, navy blue and black. In Radford’s 1984 there was a scene shown of Hurt walking home from work and there was no color but greys, and a small amount of a dull navy blue. The actors in the film were too wearing dull navy uniforms and that was it. This was a perfect representation of the way Radford emphasized how dull the film was. The characters in the film, more specifically, John Hurt and Suzanna Hamilton, were also physically grey looking. Their skin was dead looking and physically sick which helped Radford set the theme of the film. (Use the description of the golden country are they the same in the novel and the film? ) If so how? If not how are they different ? Radford’s character selection was very effective that helped to portray Orwell’s vision. Radford’s 1984 was well cast. John Hurt acted just the way he was described in the novel. Although he did not speak much, Hurt used excellent facial expressions in order to get his point across and to communicate with others. â€Å"Winston Smith (John Hurt) is 39, but he has the skinny, wizened look of a perpetually chilled, undernourished child, whose face is that of an old man. † (www. ovie. nytimes. com) Julia, Suzanna Hamilton, was better depicted in the film than in the novel. â€Å"She brings a captivating freshness and warmth to her role, a little reminiscent of a young Harriet Anderson. Her pale, wiry, broad-hipped body has a simple, unaffected, almost archetypal beauty, and in the film’s more intimate moments, she radiates all the tactile sensual grace of a Munch or Degas nude†. (www. IMBd. com) Hamilton helps to portray Julia being a very rebellious character. In the film, Julia was an upfront kind of character whereas in the novel Julia seemed very closed yet didn’t really say much. Radford’s film adaptation of 1984 does effectively portray Orwell’s vision. This was proven by characters, additions and deletions, cinematography. Radford’s cinematography is an excellent adaptation of Orwell’s plot. The characters were well cast and Orwell’s vision was seen. The additions and deletions are very effective in portraying the vision of 1984. Overall Radford’s film does Orwell’s novel justice. Maybe for your conclusion keep the compare and contrast going. So for example Orwell made many choices about where to place characters in the novel but Radford adding or deleting them was a better choice for the vision as a whole.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Reading Difficulties In Students With Dyslexia?

Reading Difficulties In Students With Dyslexia? INTRODUCATION Reading is a necessary skill for success in all societies, and the ability to read throughout various contexts effectively likely to improve self confidence and social progress as well as ones potential carrier. However, Reading difficulties is the problem that faces many students with dyslexia across different educational system. It seems clear that there are two main methods of conceiving LD in general and the natural reality concept of dyslexia. One main definition relates to psychological/medical model and the other is social model (Kevin, 1999). It is frequently pointed out that reading skill is complicated because it is based on two main processes which are coding, comprehension. They require learning all alphabetical characters and the outcome of knowledge as well as interaction with the readers own experiences and access to results through the text. According to H. Lee Swanson, Karen R. Harris, Steve Graham (2006) reading difficulties is deficit in learning processes which are include visual perception and perceptual Kinetic perceptionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ etc. They established training programs for this processes which are prerequisite for learning to read, such as audio and visual perception. However, this trend has been criticized by researchers; because the theoretical philosophy was relatively weak and it was not grounded on scientific based evidence instead it was meant to see only virtual behavior. On the other hand, in the sixties and seventies of the last century has returned to focus on direct teaching and structured learning, which focus on Code-emphasis and Whole Language (Hoien, 2000). Unfortunately, it is clear that there is no known medical alternative to reduce the severity of cognitive processing delay in pupils with reading difficulties. Therefore, teachers are required to work instructional adjustments as a result, students with reading difficulties are to be successful in an suitable academic environment that help to reduce reading difficulties (such as eliminate any source of disturbance at mainstream classrooms and resource room). One of the most important instructional adjustments is use of basic procedures for appropriate intervention in early stage of educational ladder to avoid reading problems in students through use of various programs of intervention by specialized teachers and clinical psychologist. Another instructional adjustment which is methods of teaching students with dyslexia how do they read? (Kevin,1999). On the other hand, dyslexia friendly schools are an appropriate environment for children. They are to be provided with effective support and awareness of their additional requirements. The aim of this very brief essay is to discuss different definitions of dyslexia. Intervention to reduce reading difficulties in students with dyslexia will be discussed with a focus on stages of intervention in England; issues associated with intervention and also focus on Reading Recovery. Teaching Methods for students with reading difficulties will be examined in terms of Whole Language Instructions and Code- emphasis Instructions. Finally, Facilitating dyslexia friendly schools will be explored in brief. 1. Definition of Dyslexia It seems a controversial issue relatively in the beginning, because dyslexia has defined in many approaches, some of the definitions reflect the theories of causation, while the other definitions in an attempt to describe dyslexia. It seems clear that dyslexia involves more than one condition as it conveys a conceptual difficulty in reading skills for the child as well as a number of other reasons ((Rice, 2004). A hundred years have passed by since the first systematic definition of dyslexia as well as the diagnosis was established( Frith, 1999) and there is still considerable debate among professionals, professionals, psychologists and teachers about the conceptual issues of dyslexia, whoever in fact not far from agreement on their knowledge of concepts, skills development needs and capabilities, as well as diagnosis. Moreover, professionals and associations interested in special education differ in the definition of a large private educational terms, particularly in the case of attention deficit attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), attention deficit disorder(ADD) and dyslexia. In one community, has experienced difficulty in teaching reading as indicating poor reading skills that must be addressed by large-effective teaching methods. On the other hand, it is observed that another community the same way of reading difficulties in dyslexia, which contains an individual educational plan (IEP) that need to be highly efficient for the education of each individual case. Moreover, there are many of reliable definitions that have been adopted from a wide range of different instruction environments, such as definition of the British Association for Dyslexia (2001), which seems to be a descriptive definition , which indicate that dyslexia can be seen as : A combination of abilities and difficulties which affect the learning process in one or more of reading, spelling, and writing. Accompanying weakness may be identified in areas of speed of processing, short-term memory, sequencing, auditory and / or visual perception, spoken language and motor skills. It is particularly related to mastering and using written language, which may include alphabetic, numeric and musical notation ( Reid, 2002). It is agreed widely that reading skill is key for all people to complete the learning process successfully and appears to be agreement that the learning process needs to be a large number of simple skills, which requires the functions are ordered from different regions of the brain (both left and right from the Brocas area and Hamichaer ), moreover, the sequence of actions that may make it one of the most complex operations. It is clear that all teachers, practitioners and parents should have information about children with dyslexia and the most important problems they face, especially in reading to understand the definition of the educational process (British Dyslexia Association, 2003). On the other, the World Federation of Neurologists (1968) defined it as; Dyslexia is a disorder manifested by difficulty in learning to read despite conventional instruction and socio-cultural opportunity. It is dependent upon fundamental cognitive disabilities which are frequently of constitutional origin. (Mortimore, 2003, by Reid, 1994, p.2). If we pay enough attention to this definition it is clear that the greatest changes considerate on the late sixties that stress and characterized problems to complete reading process to be successful, and the new millennium, that is a interested far more than three different stages of description, the first, behavioural, which is the most important element for teachers and practitioners to work daily with children with dyslexia, particularly in the school, and second, cognitive which is more relate to teacher learning difficulties who is responsible for assessment of any kind of learning difficulties and then Preparation an individual education plan, third, the level of biological, which refers to dyslexia for kind of nervous-developmental in developmental deficit of biological origin(Frith, 2003). However, if we compare the definition of the British Dyslexia Association in the definition of (2001) of dyslexia with the equivalent, which presented by the World Federation of Neurology (1968), we will note other potential conflicts, according to the conceptual dimension to the definition of dyslexia. On the other hand, it is perfectly balanced in those who wish to present the strengths and weaknesses of children with dyslexia: dyslexia is a combination of difficulties, and capacity that may affect the learning process in one or more of the writing, reading and spelling. It might be possible, identify weaknesses in visual perception, processing speed of the short-term memory, sequencing, as well as audio, spoken language and motor skills. and that are relevant to mastering and using written language, which may contain the alphabet and identify the digital as well as musical. 2. Causes of Dyslexia According to ( Rice, 2004 ) there is still no consensus on the underlying causes of dyslexia. It is frequently point out that not all the difficulty in reading or writing means dyslexia. However, there are many scientists who believe that inheritance and hearing problems at an early age may cause dyslexia. This will be discussed in more details. 2.1 Inheritance May not be possible that dyslexia is not a strong characteristic that will be inherited, even if one or both parents have it. On the other hand, this may be possible. it clear that forty per cent of the people and explained that dyslexia has a history of learning difficulties in their family. According to Brain scanning of children with dyslexia by specialists in the field of medicine that bunches of cells beneath the surface in the front left side of the brain are responsible for reading problems (ibid.). This group of cells moving on the surface of brain cells while growing in the fetus, which does not occur with children with dyslexia. In addition, they have to be smaller mango cellular system, which is liable for recognition, for example, symbols and characters, which leads to difficult to read. They usually tend to use the right part for these skills, which are not designed for this job and that six times slower. It is clear that scientists consider these genetic variations and statistics that the inheritance is one of causes of dyslexia. 2.2 Hearing Problems at an Early Age It is frequently point out that the first five years of a childs life are important for the ability to read and write in accordance with natural languages. In the event that the child is suffering from colds or other continuously during the first years of his life, without medical intervention prior to the visit of the health center, may be exposed to ban prayer from time to time and thus may lead to hearing loss. This means that there is a break in the learning process of the child because of those problems in the hearing. If the child does not have the ability to hear words correctly, and thus lead to delays in the phonemic awareness of the child that leads to learning difficulties, such as dyslexia (Bradford, 2009). 3. Intervention for Dyslexia 3.1 Definition of intervention According to Wall (2003) definition of intervention as An intervention is an interaction between two people to bring about change and, therefore, early years practitioners undertake interventions each time they are working with children. Interventions may be short, medium or long term and will be planned carefully to ensure effectiveness and appropriateness. and He suggested idea which is what and how should practitioners draw up a plan or design different and useful intervention programs for each child as a case individually, by clarifying how it could encourage teachers or staff of these children collaborative work by each category of activity classroom, which can be caused by structured plan which made through specialists. It can be seen that intervention has become a significant key in resolving of psychological educational issues which is more effective to clarify access for these issues or problems and also it is useful in reaching positive results, especially for children with learning difficulties who are at risk for any particular type of learning difficulties. It is important to note that it should be look at if one parent has dyslexia, which is likely to move to one of their children as a result it is important there is focus on the family history, which may to be assisted to alert teachers and parents therefore, it may get appropriate intervention program for these children (Augur,1993 ). If we pay enough attention to Augur indicate that developmental dyslexia is justified for certain reasons, first reason, it may be very difficult to clarify kind of developmental dyslexia that a child is born through t according to the results of brain injury as a result of stroke or an accident, etc. Moreover, the second reason which is that many specialists agree that most of these children, who are smart in most courses with the exception of some basic academic skills that need to develop and therefore it is likely that the teachers are providing success and development of the natural growth of children with dyslexia, if they were with the fact that dyslexia may not be curable but it needs to useful intervention programs. 3.2 Stages of intervention in England According to DfES (2003) that stages of intervention used in schools in Britain, with almost identical stages in America, called (waves). Wave 1, which is refer to initial education for literacy in schools in that there must be effective integration of all children, high quality and a daily reading and writing hour with appropriate differentiation required. Whereas, if the children do not respond correctly to primary classroom of literacy guidance therefore, intervention will be necessary. In addition, Wave 2 shows a set of specific interventions which are additional a specific time, which refer to some children who are in need of support services to accelerate development and they can work at or above age-related t the highest of expectations . Wave 3 which is describes the governance for a small number of children and intervention is necessary to provide specifically for the processor speed of evolution or allow children to achieve their potential. It is Clearly that , this could i nclude the 01:01 or specific interventions, so when it comes to older children, which is usually refer to the approach set out specifically for children that have been identified as requiring special education support by working in the school environment. The best example, as noted by the researcher that Wave 3 intervention which is reading recovery. 3.3 Issues associated with intervention It is frequently point out that there is controversy about how to build effectively intervention programme. Researcher will present the most important factors agreed for potential success in the planning and production of the correct intervention program. First, it taking into accounts the assessment procedures and examination in psychology that can explain exactly what are the skills which need to develop in children. According to Fawcett and Lynch (2000) to examine dyslexia test (designed by Nicolson and Fawcett, 1996) will be the most successful for all the teachers to their schools. In addition, this test has become highly efficient because it is interested in semantic and verbal fluency as well as knowledge of numbers. Another reason which is how quickly the application of this test for example, it is take one minute to the task of writing and one minute in the skill of reading, moreover, spelling and other skills that could take two minutes. According to Pumfrey and Reason (2001) enhance the quantity and quality of cognitive development of children is significant factor to reach the appropriate intervention for them, it is important to take into account to confirmation that intervention at the earliest time that in order to that this procedure may not lead to a delay which is undesirable for children who have reading difficulties. In the same context, we may emphasize that the assessment procedures and examination need to be more focus by that stage, even before the application to avoid any future problems (Talcott,, 1997). However, the researcher as a teacher for special education as well as lecturer at the Department of Special Education recognizes that there are no tests in a uniform and there is a clear lack of evaluation of courses in schools in Saudi Arabia. It is clear that this is an opportunity for the researcher to obtain the correct method of assessing and screening for children who have difficulties reading in schools and the transfer of these measures and the right strategies for the development of the educational process in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Talcott (1997) indicate that there is another factor which is related to people who may play an active role of detection of children who have dyslexia. Therefore, there are some people around the children who have learning difficulties and they who provide full care to alleviate the difficulties that may be in these children as well as they are trying to find the appropriate methods in educational process such as, parents, professionals as well as specialists in health care. 3.4 Type of intervention for reading difficulties 3.4.1 Reading Recovery Reading Recovery has been designed by Marie Clay, who is a researcher in New Zealand (Reading Recovery Council , 2006). Mary did studies which allowed her to develop appropriate methods for the detection and intervention for reading difficulties for children. In addition, this program is studies based intervention that is applied in more than 10000 schools in New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia. it was a developed to offer intervention for children who have reading difficulties ( Au, Mason1990). According to Au, Mason (1990) The main of reading recovery is to be able to offer intensive one-on-one support children who have reading difficulties in first grade and thus provide appropriate intervention to help them succeed before they improve their reading difficulties (Savage, John 1994). Moreover, it is aimed at less than twenty percent of school classes in first grade classroom. It is clear that it is not easy to make a decision about who children should be given to this program. children are taking a test and depending on the lowest scores for this test and then to hold this program for children got the lowest scores by trained teachers in the application of this program for children who have difficulties reading to reduce these difficulties and to read well (Kline, Anne 1997). It is frequently point out reading recovery is developed to be compatible with the regular school system. Each school needs to confirm that teachers should have the ability to download the program continuously during the year. It is clear that it has the ability to work in a variety of levels for instance it works with teachers, in school, children, and in the education system to provide assistance in reducing reading difficulties in children (Reading Recovery National Network,2006 ). Savage, John (1994) pointed out that Reading Recovery which is a program works differently for each child who is in need of this program. Selection of children for this program based on the report which is submitted by the teacher, and a survey about what child has knowledge of letters and concepts about print process, text reading . In addition, the program begins with what the child is to have the ability to do, then it builds on what they are trying to do and work what child need to learn about reading (Reading Recovery National Network,2006 ).According to Chapman, Turner ( 2003) the program is designed to work one-on-one instruction for thirty minutes a day for a period of twelve to twenty weeks through trained teachers. Moreover, it is designed to regular classroom reading guide. In addition, It is set out to assist based on childs strengths. The main concentration on one-on-one lessons is concentrate on comprehending the various messages in reading and students have the ability to build messages in writing skill (Reading Recovery National Network). According to Savage, John (1994) reading recovery includes that: -Reading Familiar Books: students tend to read books that they enjoy. Teachers, however, will observe how child read these books then they will assist the child while children are reading this book. -Assessment of reading strategies: the students will have a book that have never read it, in the previous lesson, the child will read that book for the teacher, then the teacher will use recorder while the child is read. Working on Letter recognition: student will be trained to look at the different letters, and begins to be familiar with them. -Introducing new books: teacher will choose a number of different books that are suitable for students reading level. Reading new books: The teacher will show a new book for the student, and then the student will be supposed to read it in the next lesson. In addition, the teacher and student will discuss the book and provide assistance to prepare for the understanding of the story in that book before read it. It is clear that Reading program was designed to meet the special the individual needs of reader who has difficulties in reading, which seems different from child to child. Working Individually with students, preparing lessons to respond to the individual needs of the child, will help to develop childrens reading (hapman, Iversen, Tunmer 2005). It is clear that the reading recovery has extensive one-on-one instruction. Not surprising to anyone that the intensity of the program and work individually with students which is influential to stage of intervention for those students who have reading difficulties. Recent research indicates that the method of one-on-one is more effective in teaching in regular classes that lead to achieving the individual needs for each student (Chapman, Tunmer 2003). Reading Recovery Council (2006) pointed out that many of the children are in different levels reading skill, establishment of lesson for all student is not always effective to that a student who does not understand what may be understood by other child and therefore teachers can create a lesson that will contain five elements: working with letters, reading books which are familiar to student, observe and record what is read by the student and reading new curriculum (Barnes, Bonnie 1996). it is possible to assist students achieve effective reading performance by the individual needs of them early. In addition, working individually with students to guide them educating reading strategies as well as to provide some time for the application so that they will be capable to achieve in grade level (Educational Commissions System of the States 2000). It seems clear that the strategy of one-on-one which allows teachers to provide students all comments, compliments and questions that the teacher knows a student who has the ability to answer those questions. In addition to, the reading recovery teachers have the ability to help the student and give feedback for the work he is doing (Barnes, Bonnie 1996). On the other hand, reading recovery will take 30 minutes for each student .It must take into account that there are some things that may be affect the students when they are in the classroom, for example: days of illness, field trips and workshops (Barnes, Bonnie 1996). Barnes, Bonnie (1996) indicate that time consuming is one of the problems related to educating Reading Recovery through the amount of paperwork which are side by side with the teaching of reading recovery to individual students. For example, a written analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the child, the report of the expectations of progress through the identification of long-term and short-term goals to child daily lesson programme. Another drawback of reading recovery is teachers. Many teachers do not usually have support from their colleagues in the school as well as they have difficulty in access to feedback on their lessons. Moreover, there are many teachers in the classroom do not have a sense of the impact of reading recovery program on the children because it is presented only one or two students in their classrooms (Noble, Jo Anne 1995). In addition, There are many teachers who are working only has the half-time reading recovery teacher. Therefore, they have the abilit y to service only about eight children each academic year. In addition, many schools have approximately a hundred and fifty first grade students, this is evidence that only about five or six percent of children have the ability to receive reading recovery programme (Barnes, Bonnie 1996). As has been mentioned before the goal of reading recovery is to guide children in learning techniques and assist to practice time , children have the ability to deliver on grade level (Frankas, George 2000).However, reading recovery is working , regardless of economic status, gender and social status of the group of children that led to the acceleration of the effective progress this programme (Educational Leadership 1990). Centre, Wheldall (1992) pointed out that to make reading recovery programme more effective must change three elements: Behavioural change in teachers. The child behaviour change acquired through teachers. There is a need for the school to change the regulatory requirements for administrators and teachers. It is clear that the results of reading recovery program is that it offers effective intervention for students in grade school and then treatment, instead of falling into the failure in reading difficulties for these children. In addition, it is providing strong support for teachers and enables them to become more effective in reading recovery programme. Moreover, the most important outcome of the program is to be has number of children in grades 2-6 to have a few problems in reading difficulties once and then the program is implemented effectively and correctly (Noble, Jo Anne 1995). 4. Method of teaching reading skills for children with dyslexia As has been mentioned before is that in fact the intervention to address reading difficulties in children with dyslexia is a successful strategy to provide support appropriate for them. But it is frequently point out that , it is to look for on the strengths and weaknesses of the learner and learning styles appropriate through the school by the teacher, which is suited to the needs of each individual. Because it is known to us that each and every child with dyslexia is different according to the file and function of cognitive and learning styles appropriate to him (Reid ,1997). 4.1 Whole Language Instruction According to the study carried out by Frank, 1978, it was having an impact in supporting the Whole Language Instruction, teaching reading is a natural counterpart to learn to speak the sense of learning to read instinctive. In addition, Whole Language Instruction may focuses on education to be of total to the part and not vice versa (e.g. learning the skills not included in the Whole language instruction), and learning to write must occur through fun activities functional meaning, and the focus on education priority, instead of keeping the roots. Moreover, it consenter on the learner who is the center of education rather than the curriculum and education should be based on individual interaction. It is clear that it may supports education in a social environment. Moreover, the teacher is the one who set the curriculum to be concepts are interrelated rather than dividing them up into multiple skills or subsets of content and evaluation focuses on the strengths of the learner. It seems that Whole Language Instruction is a tool to deal with the class and adjust and it may provides disadvantaged students to be able to overcome reading problems ( Pressely, 1994). However, according to Mather (1992 ) Whole Language Instruction team believe that retail could disrupt learning process, so they are opposed to direct teaching of encoding, because it split the language into separate clips and skills, which may lead to the language is not used, as well as a waste of time. The Whole Language Instruction may provide meaning to the texts and it is focusing on both reading and writing, as learn the rules of language may be done without the need to teach voice. It is clear that Educators and researchers stress fact that learning may be the best when there is enjoyable environment for learning and learner will be active participant in learning process as well as the teacher must take into account individual differences between children. These principles focus upon the way of Whole Language Instruction in learning to read, the child will read full text and then he begins to recognize words and letters with helping by teacher and the child will feel motivation when he is reading and that is the most important needs, which increases the capacity of the child with dyslexia to learn to read correctly (Fuhler,1993 ) Learner (2000) pointed out that there are basics of teaching reading difficulties by using method of Whole Language Instruction as following: Firstly : Reading is one of the elements of internal language which is very close to oral language and written language, so teachers who use this method confirm the language written and oral reading lead to the child will be improved, when he learn to read and there is a relationship between linguistic vulnerability in children and reading difficulties, children who have language problems or mobility are likely to develop problems in writing in the early stages. Secondly: The method of verbal language may be acquired by the natural use, according to the teachers who use Whole Language Instruction that children may learn to speak without the need for special training and this means that children will learn to read naturally through exposure to learn to read by focusing on language and books which related to fluency of language. Thirdly : Teachers who use the method of Whole Language Instruction avoid use of separate teaching which does not focus on the link between parts of the meaning of language, as well as the way of teaching that focuses on use of separate exercises, and they believe that books that divide natural language into small pieces and mysterious that could make teaching is difficult. In addition, Whole Language Instruction users think that learning of characters is normally by way of education , it is clear that learning of letters should not be separate, but it is normally acquired through reading. 4.2 Code- emphasis Instruction It is clear that we should understand the strategies of coding in Whole Language Instruction or comic reading (Orthographic) , which are one of the strategies that provide the opportunity to children to read the words by this method because they saw these words for many times . Therefore, they have image of the words in the long-term memory, the image of words are not required to be stored in the same format and font but it will be merely images. To use this strategy, the reader should has knowledge of the alphabet and how to process link this letters together. Moreover, there are many of readers who tend to use this strategy because they have the satisfaction for the words through use of a number of consecutive times as a result, they are willing to remember these words at any time. However , when they are exposed to new words so they tend to use method of Code- emphasis Instruction so they used the analysis of these words and read them (Hoien,2000). According to Learner ( 2000 ) children with dyslexia often need to direct learning and systematic training on reading because the direct training on the skills of voice reading is significant due to the primary task which is a specific part which is used later for reading comprehension. However, children who start to learn to read slowly, they will become readers are strong later. It is clear that Code- emphasis Instruction is effective in that the reader have a broad reading skills in school and In the external environment, he will be able to read any textbooks or other books. In addition , Intensive reading may provide the opportunity for the growth of concepts and verbal knowledge for how to write and read the text. Therefore, ch

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) :: Botany

Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) The mustard plant has often been mentioned in the Bible, and most of us are familiar with Jesus' parable of the mustard seed. However, there is great debate as to what the "mustard" plant of Jesus' parable really was. Most modern commentators agree that it was the ordinary black mustard, Brassica nigra, but there are still a few who disagree. These others suggested that the mustard in the Bible could have been Salvadora persica, a shrub found in thickets around the Dead Sea, but authorities say that this plant did not grow where Jesus spoke his parables. Also Phytolacca decandra, the pokeberry, was theorized to be the "mustard tree". That too was discounted because it is now regarded as an American plant. One major argument against Brassica for the "mustard" of the Bible is based on the Biblical statements concerning its becoming a "tree", and "the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it". Supporters of this argument claim that the mustard plant never becomes a great tree, and it would not be sturdy enough for birds to nest. In rebuttal, it has been pointed out that we must realize that much of the language in the Bible is figurative, and that indeed small sparrow-like birds perched temporarily on the branches of the mature mustard plant to feed on its seeds. Even today birds are very fond of mustard seed. Guatama Buddha also told a parable about the mustard seed, and in India, mustard is the symbol of reproductive generation. Mustard is a very interesting plant with a lot of history and many uses. It has both medicinal and culinary value useful to man in the past and present. Its many relatives are ever present in our daily lives as well. Black mustard is scientifically known as Brassica nigra. It is of the family Cruciferae. The plant is native of Europe and Asia; it has become naturalized in this country and has escaped from cultivation, so that it is often a troublesome weed. Therefore, it is often found on the roadside, in vacant lots, and especially in grain fields. There has been some success in the use of chemical herbicides in ridding grain fields of mustard. These include iron sulfate and sulfuric acid in the form of a spray. All grasses are resistant to this spray, but the young mustards are killed by it.